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RustyKarma076 t1_ivyz6ks wrote

There’s nothing inherently wrong if the post is about politics. Even if the data is very clearly trying to make a point about one political group. I’m fine with that, as long as the data is “beautiful.”

There’s nothing interesting about bar graphs and pie charts. That’s all they are

edit: like this

It’s the top post of the day and it’s just a wall of text to complain about billionaires. There’s nothing interesting about it


Summoarpleaz t1_ivyzgp3 wrote

Yes agreed. I have no issue with politics but it seems like the posts have basically gone down in the data visualization aspect in favor of making a political point. Again, wouldn’t be an issue if only the data visualization part were punched up a notch.


beingsubmitted t1_iycmkvz wrote

I'm a little in between, here. I've posted OC a couple of times, and I'm working on a new one currently.

I for one do think aesthetics should be part of it, absolutely. Having posted OC before, though,you will get a lot of pushback for aesthetic choices - if your colors don't perfectly interpolate or anything can be interpreted as not strictly accurate. There's a degree to which accuracy and aesthetics are at odds. For example, a pie chart can be perfectly accurate, but if certain colors are too similar or one color stands out without good reason, you will be accused of manipulating data or not presenting it honestly.

On the other hand, I also think some data just are beautiful, regardless of aesthetics. Interesting data are fun to look at on their own, and the data itself is part of the beauty, like "r/oddlysatisfying" I think sometimes a post isn't about the data visualization being beautiful , but the data itself.

Ultimately, though, it's a matter of voting, particularly on new/rising posts. Given that only about one in a thousand viewers or less of a post actually up or downvote, individuals have a lot of power to reshape the sub, by voting in new/rising. If more aesthetically-minded posts are lifted, the OC will follow suit.