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zestyping t1_iyewudy wrote

Members and mods, let's talk about misleading visualizations.

The subreddit description says DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information.

To me, that means highly misleading visualizations shouldn't qualify. Don't we all want a high-quality subreddit?

Of course, we all make mistakes sometimes; I'm not talking about missing one point out of 100, or plotting a point a few pixels off to the side, the kind of thing that could be fixed with a small correction. I'm talking about egregious designs, where a visual element is 2 or 3 or even 10 times larger than it should be. Whether or not there's an intent to mislead, these are simply low-quality visualizations, and we'd be better off without them.

What do you think? Should this be addressed in the FAQ? Should there be a guideline?