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OuidOuigi t1_iuocgbg wrote

Yep. Wait until they damage a tire and it comes apart killing a family or lose control hitting someone else/another biker.

Then they can't imagine having a family to shop for, disabled people who need specialized vehicles just to get to public transportation, weather extremes in many places, the extra time it takes, and many other situations where a majority of people will prefer a car.

Their obsession with trains reminds me of Sheldon from their favorite show Big Bang Theory.


Sea_Phrase_Loch t1_ivm3qmi wrote

The reason all of those things need cars right now isn’t because they inherently need cars. For groceries, you can easily wheel around a small cart if the grocery store is a 5 minute walk away. (If your neighborhood is designed for walking.) A lot of disabled people who can’t ride on public transportation without specialized vehicles probably can’t drive cars either. (Some common types of disabilities where you need a specialized vehicle are probably like disabilities where you faint (which is quite the liability driving a moving vehicle) or disabilities where your legs don’t work or are weak (you do need reliably working legs to drive a car, afaik. There are modified versions to solve that but depending there’s likely still the difficulty of getting out/in of the car each time as well))

I’m not saying bikes are less dangerous than cars, but they’re not more dangerous either.

It’s also not about nobody owning a car. Cars will always be necessary for some jobs or locations. Just owning a car should not be a requirement to live.