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SteinbeckSawIt t1_iux5mbi wrote

Homie, it's not personal preference, it's best practices.


perec1111 t1_iux6h3o wrote

Depends on what you want to see/show. Go on with gatekeeping though, it’s fun!


jasperCrow t1_ivz55kb wrote

Best Practices is more or less the best technical standard, its not your opinion πŸ˜‚. He's not gate keeping, he's telling you how experts analyze data, and WHY.


perec1111 t1_ivzjmsp wrote

Is he? Are you an expert? If you really think about it, can you really not come up with just one reson to visualise data this way? If everything is rules by those best practices, why do we need experts to think about it? A high school junior could do your job then.