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LooseEarDrums t1_iuykrgm wrote

Wait. What percentage is due to marketing? It seems crazy that we would pay more for gas because of advertising.


Bokaza1993 t1_iv02yxy wrote

Probably covers all of the sponsorships you see companies doing, which is often just another form of lobbying. Ohh, and lobbying.


onetimeuse789456 t1_iv1l7u2 wrote

"Marketing" in the context of gasoline usually refers to physically getting the product to market, not advertising. While advertising may included in total marketing costs, it plays a very minor role.

There are entire "petroleum marketing" companies that buy product from refineries to sell to places like gas stations. They're not putting up billboards advertising Exxon refined gasoline. Rather, they are essentially acting as middlemen to efficiently connect suppliers with consumers.