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TiredTim23 t1_iv2iabw wrote

Pause. You said, “Explain in detail please along with timelines.” I gave you exactly that. Dates of when the Executive branch did things the affected the price of crude oil. I’ve cited you source that is exactly what you asked for.

I’m not a Trump fan. I’m not quite clear on what your saying he did wrong, I’ll just agree. But I think it’s telling how you point to something Trump did that caused gas prices to go up. Then pretend like POTUS can not have effect of gas prices.

Odiously there are things outside of the president’s control that change gas prices. I called out 1 of them in the graphic I cited. My point is there are things within the presidents control that affects gas prices. And I’ve have shown you a source of things he’s done. And it’s seems like you agree with my premise.


40for60 t1_iv2jcnr wrote

that wasn't details that was a meme.

nothing about the the refineries that were taken offline during Covid for upgrades or Philly which isn't being rebuilt. Nothing about the cold weather in ND, the Husky refinery or the labor shortage in the Bakken. Outside of releasing the strategic storage there isn't anything the President does that affects the price short term. The graphic isn't a serious one.


TiredTim23 t1_iv2zkbz wrote

Keep moving the goal posts you’ll be right eventually. My point was never about short term prices, but prices overall. The timeline I shared was created before the things you mentioned happened. If you want to disprove the timeline I shared you either have to prove A) those things didn’t happen, or B) They didn’t affect the price of gas.

In general, what is disingenuous about the argument is the difference between the following statements: 1. ‘The president doesn’t control the price of gas.’ That’s true. 2. However, ‘the president can affect the price of gas.’ That is also true. The president does not decide the price of gas when he wants. But can change regulations that affect production costs.