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KingNFA t1_iv557fi wrote

Which is sad if you know the story of the gates foundation


Ambitious-Concert-69 t1_iv581xz wrote

I don’t. What’s the story?


Dysp-_- t1_iv58r13 wrote

You will probably now be presented with some qAnon shit about Gates being a lizard and part of a pedophile ring or some shit.

Imagine having donated millions upon millions of your wealth, and helped millions of impoverished people, then to have some wankers in their parents basements spread misinformation about you.

Human psychology is amazingly frightening.


deMachiavellian t1_iv5b9vh wrote

It’s just a way of moving money into nonprofits controlled by the same families. These massive donations are all about long term tax planning for inherited wealth. These billionaire family will still control the wealth they donate. Most of these donations are given to “philanthropies” that are started by a friend. You donate to mine I’ll donate to yours and we both get to control tax free money.

There’s also the argument that the Giving Pledge is ludicrous as both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates net worth has more than doubled since they created the pledge. When Gates first made the pledge in 2010 he had a net worth of about $53billion. Today after giving away $33.4billion, per the chart didn’t actually confirm this, he has a network of about $115billion.

Now yes the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation has done some great things with STI/STD and other infectious diseases as well as food insecurity and global hunger. However the reason they were able to do this was because the gutting of the US tax system and Bill gates being one of history greatest monopoly players. Instead of nation-states providing these services the world now must rely on the benevolence of globalized oligarchs.


KingNFA t1_iv59gw9 wrote

Basically in « no such things as free gifts » by Linsey McGoey the author explains with backed up sources that Bill Gates uses his foundation to have some power over poor countries, a sit at ONU and pretends to do what he doesn’t.

You had interviews of African people saying that they had a lot of vaccines for diseases that were never heard of in their villages for example.

Bill Gate also has the highest amount of land in the us, no shit he’s for vegetal food.

Btw I’m not trying to convince you I’m just saying look it up


kineticPhoton t1_ivesdci wrote

If he has that much land, his best chances of making profit of it is producing soya for animal food. That logic doesn't check out.

You need way less land for vegetarian food. I'm pretty sure that meat consumption would be more profitable for a land owner than vegetarians would be. There'd be a hell lot of overproduction if you'd produce as much on field nowaday and take away the animal's food consumption. About 77% of Soy production world wide goes into livestock food source. So soy business is pretty lucrative. Especially if there are a lot of people eating meat.

(I'm not stating eating meat is better than plant-based, I'm just stating that I doubt that Bill Gates profits of vegetarians more than of meat-eaters)