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TheHungryTurnip t1_iv5n614 wrote

If that's what you want to illustrate, at least add the 50% horizontal line.


CleanDataDirtyMind t1_iv7d1sg wrote

lol +1 but it's even worse.

At least make the axis go in 10s so this all important 50% point is AT LEAST annotated on the axis much less given a horizontal line.


KoeiNL t1_iv674a6 wrote

Which colour represents what gender? Even if it seems obvious, always add a legend.


CleanDataDirtyMind t1_iv7d7wv wrote

Technically without a legend (even though they also have legends) it could be almost considered a pictograph.


freerangetacos t1_iv5kj01 wrote

If it's focusing on equality, then 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 should be labeled on the y-axis so that the midpoint is easy to see.


wouldiwas1 t1_iv656oj wrote

How is one supposed to know which color represents men and which one represents women?


No_Movie8460 t1_iv7pqei wrote

By using their brains? Like, even a child would be able to recognise which colour means what gender.


e_q_ t1_iv8e6ey wrote

Still a graph should have a legend


Extension-Sample2737 t1_iv9iabn wrote

Not necessarily - It might add more clutter than the value it adds.


e_q_ t1_iva4mfd wrote

Then just make the image taller so you can put a legend at the bottom?


Designer_Dot_1882 t1_iv8v68k wrote

Colorblind people exist.


Extension-Sample2737 t1_iv9ib1f wrote

That dosen't make sense. How would they correspond the legend to the respective bars.


Designer_Dot_1882 t1_iv9n3ow wrote

Colorblind people can see different shades of select colors, depending on their cone deficiency. Not necessarily pink or blue, maybe different shades of brown or other muddled colors. They can correspond from a legend, but that legend doesn't exist.


certified_magician t1_iv5prm2 wrote

Eh the differences seem negligible 5-10 percent difference between extremes. If you account for botting and fake accounts this would probably look different also, but there are no tools to currently do that.


Historical_Shop_3315 t1_iv5o6sa wrote

Instagram...hmm yes...equal numbers of women showing each other pics and men stalking them.

Ok, maybe not but i think there is a huge gender difference in how the platform is used.


Y_ak t1_iv5xvg2 wrote

Or everyone is just thirsting for attention and trying to show off a “perfect” life. I don’t think there is as huge of a gender difference as you are trying to state.


MagnusRottcodd t1_iv7vnlc wrote

Is it possible to get the numbers for Reddit?


_prenk t1_iv8l5mf wrote

A complete blue bar will represent that


vxxed t1_iv5x4au wrote

Yeah but what about Pinterest


skodaddy426 t1_iv5zkq1 wrote

I can now sleep easier at night. Thanks for the critical information and analysis


-Fishbol- t1_iv77582 wrote

Shut the actual fuck up. Why are you in this subreddit if not to see colorful graphs of random data trends?


IWantToBeWoodworking t1_iv6j28x wrote

You should definitely have a line at 50% if that’s what you want to show. Also, needs a legend, a y axis label, and needs to say what you’re showing. This doesn’t tell me if you’re talking about daily users, total accounts, posts, etc… that should be clear.


StoryPuzzleheaded318 t1_iv8o141 wrote

Beautiful but probably unnecessary viz. do we really need a bar chart to show the same information that could be shared with seven numbers?


Extension-Sample2737 t1_iv9icli wrote

I don't think its unnecessary due to the concept of "balance". The two bars "fighting" back and forth kind of shows this.


HPmoni t1_iv6gvdz wrote

If it's 50-50%, then it is the LEAST gender based.


CleanDataDirtyMind t1_iv7e0bq wrote

Based and balanced is not the same definition. That's an interesting question, what would make it gender based or not; and feel thats a treacherous thing to go into for data scientist, maybe something left up for the sociologist to give us a definition.

But the statement was "balanced" and in the age ranges that social media covers the gender is at 50-50. It only becomes slightly different just past the social media age, as slightly more men die earlier from hard labor, risk, or war.


BerryNo1718 t1_iv6j8g9 wrote

It's funny because I think it also follow the age distribution of those platforms. Tiktok and Snapchat having younger users and Facebook and LinkedIn having older users and the rest somewhat in the middle. I don't have the data to know if it's true, but I'm pretty sure it's something like that. It would be interesting to see.


BeforeYourBBQ t1_iv6yk0h wrote

Is this counting users or creators?


WindFelon t1_iv7dhhi wrote

This is a very half assed graph Add some more details c'mon Also add discord and reddit


pookiedookie232 t1_iv8vc2y wrote

The genders are not split 50-50 in the population, though, so you need to split into age groups and then compare those to the gender split of the overall population in each age group.


[deleted] t1_iv9dyln wrote

Didn't expect tiktok there


XxxABenAxxX t1_iv9nqtb wrote

never thought that I would see a chart like this :)))


iepure77 t1_iv5ke51 wrote

This is just too beautiful for me to take


Adventurous_Ad4950 t1_iv5ttd0 wrote

Isn’t TikTok full of gamer pornstars with pink hair?


NationalTrouble t1_iv5tpff wrote

Thanks for sharing! It’s interesting data, but I think your figure could be more gender inclusive.

First of all there are more than two genders. If there is no data on other genders (or if some of the platforms don’t have more options) you should at least say how you treated this issue.

Secondly, I don’t like your choice of blue and pink to represent genders without a legend. In my opinion this further manifests a binary concept of gender.

I hope this criticism was not too harsh. But I think it’s very important to be inclusive.


crazyhadron t1_iv8zwi2 wrote

Just pick whichever one you're feeling like today