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icywatermelons OP t1_iv5u0y3 wrote


Calculated based on meat-to-vegetable supply: (meat/vegetable)*100

Food supply is not the same as consumption but is often used as an estimate of consumption

Link: (the website doesn't support individual links based on filters)

Element: food supply (kg/capita/yr)

Items: meat, vegetables (aggregated)

Tools: Tableau


ModmanX t1_iv5xt4j wrote

what happened to papau new guinea??


ffffff52 t1_iv644zw wrote

Mexico in Central America? Siberia is Eastern Europe?

Who made this divisions? A kid from the USA?


dml997 t1_iv7jma6 wrote

Your link is to a data website but does not show at all what metrics you purport to be showing. I don't know why you expect the reader to wade through this and spend who knows how much time to replicate what you present.


icywatermelons OP t1_iv87y1l wrote

Hi, I'm sorry about that but the FAO website doesn't provide individual links when you filter the results. My bad, I stated the food supply metric only but didn't include the items, which were meat and vegetables (aggregated). Thanks for the reminder, I'll make an edit to the note.


hagnat t1_iv899cg wrote

whenever someone groups Brazil, and Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile, with the rest of South America... i know that person knows shit about geopolitics in South America


DR_C_USP t1_iv8aaxw wrote

South Americans have a more meat heavy supply of food than Americans? Interesting.


FinancialAd6213 t1_iv9i2jd wrote

South America is kinda bullshit, even though OP pointed it out

That's not the meat we eat, that's the meat the rest of the world eats

We can't afford our meat


pvghdz t1_iv9pffd wrote

So Mexico is central american now?


ffffff52 t1_ivac2rx wrote

If you look closely the Balkans too... and Kaliningrade.

The closer and longer you look at the map the worse it gets, missplaced divisions are the least wrong thing once you notice all the missing islands


redline489 t1_ivcov0b wrote

Most peculiar choice of colors.


Fummy t1_ivxykoi wrote

This is based on production not consumption right?


TheRedditHike t1_iwdsjoy wrote

That's just one example, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia a fair amount of meat is eaten. Rice and Beans too. People eat meat, of every social class. Even if the upper class probably eats more. It's accurate to say that more meat is eaten than East Asia, Africa, South Asia and maybe Europe too (especially in the Southern Cone).