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Xiccarph t1_ixvreqk wrote

You won't beat a healthy adult chimp in a straight up fight, American, Brit, or whatever.


popesandusky t1_ixw9xdc wrote

Not a zoologist, but that sounds wrong. A quick google search shows a chimp is about 1.5 times as strong as human of similar bodyweight. An adult male chimp ranges from 90-130 pounds.

Running with the high end, that means equivalent strength of a 195 pound human. That’s about how much i weigh standing at 6’2. Mind you, we ran with the high end for a chimp. They trade several feet in reach advantage for a dangerous bite. I think i could totally knock a chimp out with a head kick before it could bite me 🤷‍♂️


Xiccarph t1_ixwcbuu wrote

Have you ever heard of a human beating a chimp in a straight fight? Yet there are many news articles about chimps maiming and killing humans. They will bite your face off, twist off your feet, hands, and privates and seriously mess you up. They fight to survive in the wild and among their own kind regularly. Chimps are not to be messed with without the advantage of numbers or weapons or they are sedated. Ask a zoo keeper about them.


popesandusky t1_ixwhf0j wrote

No, but ive also never heard about sane people biting the face off crackheads. That doesnt mean crackheads possess some superhuman fighting ability, or that normal people couldnt bite the face off crackheads.

Are the lack of stories of humans killing chimps in unarmed combat because they couldn’t, or because thats just not something normal humans do?

Recall hearing a zookeeper on a podcast a while back mention he was once attacked by an adolescent chimp and he “beat it” enough for it to stop trying to attack him. But #1 who knows if thats true and #2 even if so it was claimed to be an adolescent


Xiccarph t1_ixwnz4k wrote

Never having faced a chimp myself I can only related what I have read about, and I have read enough to convince me that I would not attempt to fight a chimp and would discourage anyone attempting to do so. If you decide to go for it let us know how it turns out for you.


Grease__ t1_ixwci0v wrote

I think a chimp would annihilate you bro. I think you vastly underestimate how feral wild apes are. Your head kick won’t do shit. I would vote an adult chimp would fuck up Dwayne Johnson too. And he bigger than you.


popesandusky t1_ixwfnfd wrote

Entirely possible lol this is outside my area of expertise so i dont know shit. But it raises an interesting question, above average sized chimp versus someone like francis ngannou or mike tyson. I have a real tough time giving the definitive advantage to the chimp.

Are their skulls vastly more resistant to impacts than ours?


gangaikondachola t1_ixwht1b wrote

Idk about their skulls but their necks are much more robust than ours by nature. They’re more compactly built, so knocking them out like human boxers traditionally do would not be as easy as you may imagine.


puffnstuff272 t1_ixy1uvl wrote

Chimps can charge you at 25mph, it doesnt matter who you are a 130lbs of muscle will knock you flat on your ass at that speed. After that the fight is a grapple and Human Fighters dont stand a chance since they have every advantage.


jvcreddit t1_ixxp2l2 wrote

Chimps effectively have four hands, fingernails like knives and large sharp teeth. A chimp will bite off your fingers and tear off your testicles before you land that knockout punch.