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saintjimmy43 t1_ivmobvl wrote

Regardless of how anyone wants to interpret this, if you think the solution to anything is to stick with oil youre not smart.


123xyz321Z t1_ivmuxoj wrote

“If you don’t agree with me, you’re stupid. I don’t care what the facts are.” There fixed it for ya.


commit_bat t1_ivntyup wrote

Have you considered the facts are what lead to this person's opinion in the first place


saintjimmy43 t1_ivmwtad wrote

My brother in christ you just admitted you think the world should be powered by oil indefinitely. Now you have to marry your mother in law.


ChunkyMooseKnuckle t1_ivn0amo wrote

He didn't actually say anything about that though.


palmtreevibes t1_ivnb921 wrote

What a disingenuous comment. He mocks the anti oil statement, therefore he's pro oil. It's that fucking simple.


afl3x t1_ivnfapp wrote

He mocked a snooty comment. Didn't mention pro or anti oil, you snoot.


palmtreevibes t1_ivqw1b9 wrote

Oh yeah I forgot that people never have intentions beneath what they openly state. My bad.


ChunkyMooseKnuckle t1_ivo3p0b wrote

People like you crack me up. "If you're not with me you're against me!" It must be nice to have such a shallow view on the world.