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maugust09 t1_ivo455z wrote

No surprise here that China is a powerhouse for electronics 🤷‍♂️


Lightweight_Hooligan t1_ivo4cbo wrote

Powerhouse for near slave labour


maugust09 t1_ivo4oeu wrote

Even in the US we have minimum wage which just translates to the lowest wage possibly paid by an employer before it's slave labor. And when you have someone working 3 of those jobs to make rent/buy food... isn't it basically slave labor anyways? Maybe indentured servitude is a better term.


Lightweight_Hooligan t1_ivo5w1n wrote

The iPhone would cost about $20k if it was 100% made in America with American $7/h minimum wage workers


maugust09 t1_ivo6pa4 wrote

On the contrary side... imagine how cheap your burgers would be if we used slave labor techniques... instead I need to make some $7/hr worker make me a $15 McDonald's meal that would cost them 2 hrs of work to purchase themselves.

I'm not at all saying you're wrong. But slave labor is justtttttttt about everywhere, even if they call it things like 'minimum wage'.

Read up (if you haven't already) on the early Banana Republic and how those people were treated just for the US to get bananas.

This applies to all global industries... someone is getting exploited for someone else's benefit.


Mekito_Fox t1_ivqjwz3 wrote

McDonald's actually pays $10 minimum as a company policy. And locally their crap burgers cost $6-8. And they get emoloyee discounts (50٪ off or free meal). Just pointing that out.

Source: husband was a shift manager until recently

Edit: added discount info


maugust09 t1_ivqlw0d wrote

Totally fair! I just think people tend to glorify the American work force and don't really understand how most of that labor is treated.

I've worked in the food service industry for just over 15 years from washing dishes to managing the grocery department of a $1mil/week store and it's pretty shitty all around despite doing pretty well for myself.

Just my experience/opinion!


Mekito_Fox t1_ivqn1ni wrote

Agreed, I'm just a little sensitive about minimum wage discussion specifically involving McDonald's as a base. Mostly because it's usually erroneous and most federal minimum wage discussion does not include local cost of living.


Lightweight_Hooligan t1_ivohbko wrote

Good luck driving to China just to get a few $ discount off a burger


maugust09 t1_ivohydg wrote

I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to pay borderline slave labor workers to cook shitty burgers they can barely afford themselves