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mankytoes t1_iy5wpcx wrote

North Korea dropped out due to totally closing their borders when Covid hit. I guess you could still count that as "failed to qualify" but I thought it was interesting.

They are genuine contenders for qualifying too- they were in the 2010 World Cup (and 1966).


fillmorecounty t1_iy5yyu0 wrote

I didn't even think they had a soccer team that's wild


BradMarchandsNose t1_iy676kc wrote

2010 was really weird I remember. Obviously North Koreans can’t travel abroad, so they paid a bunch of people from China (I believe, can’t remember what country it was) to cheer for them in the stands.


ActafianSeriactas t1_iy7jte2 wrote

And they beat Italy in 1966 too

Edit: And the first Asian team ever to reach the equivalent of the Round of 16


wagymaniac t1_iy9g0up wrote

If I remember north Korea during the 60's was richer than south Korea.


Michael90_Denmark t1_iy8ibiu wrote

North Korea didn’t drop out. They won the WC 2022. Been them the first 20 times back to back winner.

I highly question the the reliability of this chart