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laurentmolter OP t1_iy4ohc0 wrote

Upgraded version of a map posted a few days ago based on mods and user feedback (THANK YOU!)

Data from FIFA (football) and World Bank (Population), tool used to create the map is Leaflet with further cleaning to split the UK and other geo specificities.

Interactive version of the map, including more on the World Cup (predictions, games, group/knockout) is here:


TheKingMonkey t1_iy4rpzj wrote

Qatar too, but Canada have been decent. The two teams they have played so far were Belgium (officially ranked 2nd in the World, semi finalists at the last World Cup) and Croatia (finalists at last World Cup) so it’s been a baptism of fire to say the least. They probably should have beaten Belgium and they gave Croatia a run for their money for an hour. They’ve given more to the tournament than some of the sides that will progress to the knockout stages and given the age of the squad they are in a good spot ahead of hosting in 2026.


pinkshirtbadman t1_iy559sz wrote

>Why are South Sudan suspended?

Suspended in 2019 for 10 years due to "corruption" which coming from FIFA is a touch ridiculous.

Somaliland is 'suspended' due to not being recognized as a country by the World Cup. Internationally it's still almost universally recognized as part of Somalia

ETA: Info came from a quick Google search, I don't actually know much about it. It appears that a former president of the South Sudan organization himself was banned for the corruption allegations in 2019, not necessarily the entire club. I don't see much more info than that


STODracula t1_iy56de1 wrote

Can't even clearly tell if you painted PR wrong (spoiler alert, should be orange) because you didn't even leave any pixels for small islands in the map.


JunkiesAndWhores t1_iy584dw wrote

I’m very proud that Ireland boycotted the World Cup in Qatar (by failing to qualify)


lucky-rider t1_iy5llda wrote

Actually, Guatemala is also suspended by FIFA since a couple of years ago I think. So they wouldn’t have gone to the WC even if they qualified.


MasterFubar t1_iy5ode8 wrote

When the FIFA calls you corrupt, that's an accomplishment in itself. A negative accomplishment but there's no doubt it's truly remarkable. It's like Hitler calling you a genocidal dictator.


ericj5150 t1_iy5rkmb wrote

Who is that country between Canada and Mexico. I have never seen them in the second round of the World Cup. Or at least their mens team. Their Woman kick Ass.


imapassenger1 t1_iy5tgk6 wrote

Australia have a faint hope of making the round of 16 for the first time since 2006 if they draw with Denmark and France beats Tunisia (as expected). This would be huge for Australia as they are a largely unheralded team who were very lucky to make the World Cup, beating Peru in a penalty shoot-out to qualify. The 2006 side was seen as probably the best ever from Australia, this one, not so much.


guynamedjames t1_iy5trw8 wrote

I wonder how world cup viewership is in Russia right now? I'm sure they're getting fed a ton of propaganda about how the West excluded them over bullshit reasons etc but I'm also sure they're going to talk about how the West isn't thrilled with Qatar. Maybe some Russians will put 2 and 2 together and realize that Qatar is pretty bad but we're letting them host, so Russia must be REALLY bad to not be allowed to play.


mankytoes t1_iy5wpcx wrote

North Korea dropped out due to totally closing their borders when Covid hit. I guess you could still count that as "failed to qualify" but I thought it was interesting.

They are genuine contenders for qualifying too- they were in the 2010 World Cup (and 1966).


Last-Caterpillar-112 t1_iy5xhe0 wrote

So there’s no country in the world that did not at least try to qualify. Cementing soccer’s status as the only universal sport.


GeerJonezzz t1_iy5zaa6 wrote

I mean, you have to consider that some countries really don’t have much in the way of money, talent, or care for football and they maybe fielding what’s essentially a pick-up squad.

Otherwise, is it really that surprising? It’s been this way for decades bro.


samsoa t1_iy5zanr wrote

Brazil and France are = Qualified to next fase ;)


EJG_Music t1_iy63lp1 wrote

France, Brazil and Portugal are already qualified for the knockout phase.


CanMkr83 t1_iy65a3s wrote

So football is supposed to be (arguably) the world’s most popular and accessible sport. But with 77% of the world’s population not qualifying…is it truly the sport for the masses around the world? Or do you need a costly organization to compete?


walt3rwH1ter t1_iy65wlv wrote

Suspended colour is too close to the eliminated colour. I would like to see it slightly more different after the third group games


mpdjabrailov t1_iy66jlz wrote

Reading this as a guy who has absolutely no interest in football. "Oooh look my country is in the world cup,. Ok, what does orange mean *checks the legend* ... yep that makes sense"


stevench2000 t1_iy68g9h wrote

As a Canadian, this makes me so sad…


jwinter01 t1_iy690vs wrote

People call it the most accessible because as long as you have a ball you can play it, at least to some degree.

The first reason for the low percentage is that making a WC with every (or even most) countries in the world is not feasible, it would be too expensive and take too long, not too mention that in the early rounds the quality of play would be too low. The other reason is that football has still not achieved significant popularity in China and India. I think that sooner or later one of them will host the WC to try to boost its popularity.

A country will obviously have to invest a bit to be able to compete in a competition like this though, growing talent is no easy task, it takes years and obviously some money. But it's not like you cannot achieve moderate success without a lot of money.

The WC is expanding to 48 teams though, so the numbers are only going up.


ThePevster t1_iy69vpv wrote

The Marshall Islands and Nauru do not have FIFA-affiliated national teams, so there are two UN member states that did not attempt to qualify. The only country with no FIBA-affiliated basketball team is Liechtenstein, so basketball is more universal than soccer by your metric. Something like track and field may be even more universal, but I’m not sure.


rojm t1_iy6ddzq wrote

Shouldn’t Qatar have been suspended?


Chef_BoyarDre t1_iy6mwto wrote

Was suspicious about French Guyana being labeled as "in competition". Then I looked into it and it's actually considered France. It's a department of France and as such is a part of the EU, the largest special member in fact. The Brazil-France border is the largest border France shares with another country. TIL!


MattGeddon t1_iy6so88 wrote

So are the Faroe Islands and they have their own team. There’s talk every now and then of Greenland joining FIFA or UEFA/CONCACAF but nothing seems to get done about it. Plus as they’re not a country I don’t think they’re actually allowed to join any more.


Kasekubrick t1_iy6yeje wrote

What teams that have qualified, gave Canada given more to the tournament than??

This has been a really good world cup, a lot of minnows have qualified/will qualify, so I am interested to hear who you dont think deserves it.


TheKingMonkey t1_iy7cjxn wrote

I didn’t say anybody doesn’t deserve it, those are your words not mine.

However to answer the question there are a lot of sides that will just drift through without providing much in the way of memorable moments which Canada have done so far.

Obviously a lot of this is about expectations going into the tournaments, the Canadians have been able to throw everything at the group stages whereas other countries will have come in a week after their domestic season ended and will be expecting to play 4/5/6/7 games in a month so will have to manage their energy more rationally but the overall point remains the same as my first post in this thread, if there’s an implication that Canada somehow failed because they got eliminated after two games then the people who think that should look closer. Canada have performed very well against top tier opposition and will go home with their heads held high.


arrig-ananas t1_iy7cv56 wrote

So Greenland is the only country that took a stand and refused to participate?

Good for you Greenland.


Kasekubrick t1_iy7ewdk wrote

The memorable moments you speak of, are only memorable to very few, though. A team that has scored 1 goal, and given up 5, is not going to be remembered in the way that you think they are. I get you are Canadian so it means more to you, but tge vast majority of people do not care about Canada’s world cup run. They created a lot of chances against a Belgium that is clearly not very good and may not qualify, while also getting manhandled by Croatia.

Canada has not given more to this World Cup than any of the teams currently positioned to qualify. Countries like Ecuador, Iran, Ghana, Morocco etc have absolutely provided more to this cup than Canada. Should they leave with their heads held high? Of course. Will the World Cup miss their presence? Absolutely not.


BobbyP27 t1_iy7fxj0 wrote

Several sub-national "countries" have teams. The constituent countries of the UK, of the Netherlands, as well as the Faroe Islands all have teams that are eligible for the World Cup, if they qualify.


mfb- t1_iy7gxtu wrote

You need a pretty rare collection of results to be eliminated after the second round out of three. The only option I'm aware of:

  • You need to lose both games
  • The team which plays in both other games (i.e. your last opponent) needs to win one game and tie the other.

Canada lost both games, Morocco vs Croatia was a tie, and Morocco defeated Belgium. That gives the Morocco 1+3 = 4 points, Croatia has 4 points as well (3 from the win against Canada). Canada can reach at most three points from winning the last game, so they won't be among the top two no matter what. Canada will be 3rd or 4th in its group of 4 and drop out.

Qatar has the same situation in their group, so they are eliminated as well.

Most eliminations happen in the third round, which will start in a few hours for the first group.


MattGeddon t1_iy7lvj4 wrote

UEFA changed their rules a while back I think after Gibraltar joined, so only sovereign countries can join now. The existing members like Wales, England, Faroes etc are fine. I think Greenland are trying to join CONCACAF instead, but they also have members like French Guiana who aren’t in FIFA, so we currently don’t know if they’ll be allowed to participate or not.


ThePreciseClimber t1_iy7m3n1 wrote

Technically, could Spain intentionally lose to Japan to make sure Germany is eliminted?


fozzy_bear42 t1_iy7qqza wrote

Map needs the England - Wales border drawn on it.

Also, I’m surprised so few are out at this point.


jdcro t1_iy7u72e wrote

Kosovo is incorrect, they failed to qualify


kinredditshk t1_iy7y5vr wrote

A person living in Greenland seeing this thread will be questioning his/her existence.


JohnyNavigator t1_iy7z008 wrote

It would be interesting to have the map, with number of people died per country of origin building the world cup…🤔 maybe there is and I missed it


AluminumFright t1_iy7zztg wrote

This map is basically telling me "Teams the US is better than" and it makes me feel much better about our national team.

Take that Italy.


pinkshirtbadman t1_iy8dp6w wrote

Yeah on further examination it looks like the 2019 suspension was actually just for a former president of the South Sudan Football Association, not the entire organization.

It's unclear to me if there's more to South Sudan as a whole being suspended


ElectronicaAdictivo t1_iy8gf51 wrote

Porque Groenlandia esta en blanco si ese territorio es de Dinamarca?


Lutoures t1_iy8lit5 wrote

Is r/MapPorn really already taking over r/dataisbeautiful?


Racist-_-Punjabi t1_iy8oi6c wrote

Pakistan is also banned for some years instead of failed to qualified


wagymaniac t1_iy9h81e wrote

And Qatar spend a shittone of money bringing football expertise from big European clubs, my roommate who was winning the minimum wage as a junior trainer in Barcelona Football Club ended there with just one year of experience.