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Korvun t1_ivr3f93 wrote

The answer is no. 90% of the infrastructure that exists today didn't exist in the 1980s. The frequency of storms is not increasing, but the amount of expensive shit in their path has increased exponentially.


RandomJerk2012 t1_ivraj56 wrote

Unless you think this chart represents China, that statement is wrong on so many levels


Korvun t1_ivsbewg wrote

You could give an example. That would be helpful and not reductive...


funderpantz t1_ivr4jbz wrote

"90% of the infrastructure that exists today didn't exist in the 1980s"

Wtf lmao


Korvun t1_ivsbniz wrote

High speed internet lines, much of the expanded power grid, additional roads, buildings, homes, etc. And that doesn't even consider the increased property value of the area. A home worth 80k in 1980 is selling for 480k today. Or do you think 1980 Miami is exactly the same as 2022 Miami?