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bmcmbm t1_iydz6zm wrote

These are interesting stats. But I thought this sub was about visualizing the data in interesting ways not just reporting it.


MNCPA t1_iyefjbf wrote

Yeah, it's a regurgitation and highlights of US census data.


Codoro t1_iycyz60 wrote

Yet another study illustrating what a poor decision it is to be a single mother

Edit: Sorry, thought we cared about facts here. The numbers dont lie.


Marshmellow_Run_512 t1_iyebsph wrote

HA you’re saying it like all these women are just out there making that decision. Many times it is beyond their control OR a single mother situation is better than an abusive one. Shit, women in the US don’t even have an option for themselves anymore so if you think these statistics are bad now, you just wait!


[deleted] t1_iyedkox wrote



SmartForASimpelton t1_iye5lmo wrote

But its not the hole truth now is it?


Codoro t1_iye6ng1 wrote

But it is. Studies show time and again being a single mother results in worse outcomes, and the recent studies show most single mothers are having kids without even getting married. If you have kids and then your spouse dies or you get divorced, that's one thing, but to be so selfish as to tank your children's future just because you can't wait to pop out babies is beyond the pale.


48068438vdg6 t1_iye7ubi wrote

Being raised by a single mother is an INCREDIBLY strong predictor of basically everything bad; poorly educated, poverty, crime, etc.


Codoro t1_iye8iti wrote

Yep, and yet the modern discourse is to celebrate it as if it's a good thing. Blows my mind


48068438vdg6 t1_iye97za wrote

Yeah, it's very strange to me as well. It's one thing when people have a difference of opinion, but when they care more about opinions then facts that becomes a big problem.


Codoro t1_iyedwi8 wrote

Just summed up what's wrong with modern society. Feels > reals