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flerchin t1_ivzq5or wrote

It's hard to tell, but it seems the Ukrainians will now hold the entire west bank of the Dnieper. This war has been terrible. I hope it's over soon.


ppitm t1_iw0omb7 wrote

They already do. The map is out of date.


kmrkmj118 t1_iw15ncu wrote

I'm now convinced that the Salvation Army could kick Russia's ass.


rlnrlnrln t1_iw1v0bf wrote

From second best army in the world to second best army in Ukraine.


Tatunkawitco t1_iw2m1t8 wrote

And Putin, from the 3d chess player to a blundering buffoon.


nova_bang t1_iw2a6h6 wrote

i get what you're saying, but it's really undermining the absolute fierceness of the ukrainian army


kmrkmj118 t1_iw5clhz wrote

Not at all, just a shot of Russia's inept military leadership.


Emergency-Aardvark-7 t1_iw0hb58 wrote

Wow, so amazed that RF never made it to Odessa after holding Kherson so long. We're lucky they're so stupid.


JamosMalez t1_iw1jous wrote

They didn't have enough strength even for Mykolayiv and stopped thinking about Odesa in April


somirion t1_iw20rrc wrote

How nice of Russians, then even left a teritory in shape of Ukraine next to Cherson.


contrabardus t1_iw1zvoq wrote

This is very good for Ukraine aside from the obvious recovery of their territory, as it gives them a land bridge into the southern region.

Kherson is very strategically important because of the access it gives between the two regions it connects.


bapo225 t1_iw1w9r0 wrote

The city has been liberated


Muscle-Top t1_iw0wsjy wrote

The way this going, it lookin like it’s gonna end like Vietnam


glmory t1_iw1ce5x wrote

More like when the United States tried to invade Canada.


st4n13l t1_iw1ztro wrote

Yes the War of 1812 is so similar /s


An_Dr01d t1_iw1zhhg wrote

I doubt we'll see them burn the Kremlin, but that would be something.


Chroderos t1_iw1lb59 wrote

Partisan warfare = local resistance groups?


Korostenetz t1_iw1lpf8 wrote

Yes, that's what partisan means


Chroderos t1_iw1m5ro wrote

Thanks. I’ve heard the term used that way, but extremely rarely. Seems kind of an archaic term these days so just wanted to verify.

I think OP might be advised to say something like “local resistance fighters,” “guerrilla warfare,” or the like.


Fearzebu t1_iw1n9wq wrote

The term has been widely used in the Second World War and in Vietnam, as well as a bit more sporadically during the global war on terror. Not remotely “archaic”


Chroderos t1_iw1nqce wrote

Yeah I’m aware of the usage in WW2 era, but it seemed to fall out of favor since then. I read today that Ukrainian special forces are in Kherson so thought this might be a confusion with activities of those groups rather than locals. Anyway, sounds like they’re probably there supporting local resistance which makes sense.


delliejonut t1_iw1o2l1 wrote

I think the use of partisan is intentional. The connotation is that partisans are good guys, like the French in WW2. If they were the "bad guys" they'd be guerrilla forces or insurgents. I prefer partisan


0x53r3n17y t1_iw2f7cf wrote

During WWI, the Germans referred to resistance as "partizanen" or "franc-tireurs" (free shooters) In occupied Belgium, the perceived existence of "partizanen" led to punitive actions on the part of the Germans: which were collectively called "The Rape of Belgium" in 1914.

Used in propaganda of the time, the plight of "brave little Belgium" was instrumental for turning the Anglo-Saxon public opinion towards sending expeditionary forces.

Being labeled a "partisan" was very much a mixed bag for the civilian population at the time. Not everyone was willing to actively resist and partisan actions often meant running a risk of endangering the population, therefore losing support among said population.

So, even today, regarding Ukraine, I'd be very careful about making statements about how resistance fighters are perceived by the local population in that particular context.


Chroderos t1_iw1ob47 wrote

Yeah that makes sense. Hadn’t really thought about “guerrilla warfare” having a negative connotation like that but it definitely could.


iheartdev247 t1_iw1vra0 wrote

They still have a lot to reclaim. Their not even close to Crimea yet either.


MrMoore2 t1_iw2canj wrote

At this rate the Russians will be out by summer lol.


iheartdev247 t1_iw2d0p4 wrote

Let’s hope so, But the Dniper river was always this potential new boundary. I want to see Ukraine push further east b4 I get too excited.


mees132 t1_iw2dxnd wrote

Nothing compared to moustache man


RomromEmpire t1_iw2tnix wrote

Still a very long way to go before getting back whole territory, if ever


[deleted] t1_iw1wo3b wrote

So not to be a wet blanket but what about to the east of the river? The map is very much zoomed in on a small portion of the country. That covers a huge chunk of eastern Ukraine and will likely be the regions Russia actually wants to hold to maintain that Crimea land bridge.
