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teezepls t1_iwew05a wrote

How do you stay consistent with tracking the data? I’ve been struggling hard to stay consistent with something as simple as journaling


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwez12u wrote

I built a bot that texts me and asks me about these things daily. Reminds me two more times if I don’t answer the first time (1 and 2hours after asked). Then logs the answers to a spreadsheet. I am a zero inbox type guy so I feel compelled to respond to texts - even if I know it’s my own bot


ChunkyPa t1_iwfl5ib wrote

This seems like a better app than most of the top rated apps on playstore.


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwgxj68 wrote

Would folks pay for this?


ChunkyPa t1_iwkd1hi wrote

I would. And I would love the app to be minimalistic and do just this functionality.


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwm0mcl wrote

Yeah, my imagining would be the app is purely a place to setup your phone number and at any time change the questions being asked. Plus your reports that you could time box. All the app would do apart from that is text you and log responses.

I just don't know how to market an app


HoldMyDirrk OP t1_iwm2o9s wrote

Actually, I think I'd rather it just be a simple mobile friendly website so part of the appeal is that it's not another app