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Your_Trash_Daddy t1_iwwyrfa wrote

I didn't see anything here that said they were killed, or that if they weren't killed, that they weren't given a trial. It's a wild assumption to assume that every shooting is a killing. So that was your premise. Invalidates what follows.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwwziq6 wrote

Well, given that both the OP image says "Deaths from Police Violence", the OP title says "Deaths from Police Shootings" at the top and the link that jacktacular pointed out says "994 people shot dead by police in 2015", which matches the numbers in the link, I think it's safe to say they're both talking about shootings that specifically resulted in killings.

In the United States, trials do not occur post-mortem. If a person dies on the scene, no trial occurs.