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JelloBackground8007 OP t1_iws3xau wrote

Full details at

Data Source:
- Washington Post for the death count
- US census data to get the population size to normalize to get the 2.5x for the race gap. I assumed a 50/50 population ratio for men/women even though that’s not perfectly accurate it seemed close enough
- d3.js for the little people
- Photoscape for text


Cannonbug11 t1_iws5dq9 wrote

That’s not surprising. Men physically aggressive and physically violent especially in groups of men. Women aggressive but in a different way. They group up, organize, plan and will be physically aggressive if provoked for protecting each other. Men in groups anyway, don’t plan as well as women at least in long term thinking. Women figure out how to change something in a way that is beneficial for them now but also in the future whereas men seemingly group up just to use violence against other groups of men not really capable of thinking about long term consequences. Men group up like a military. Women group up like an organization.

So it would be a travesty if this number were any closer.


szakee t1_iwu92u9 wrote

and the gender gap is 10x bigger than the number of tacos i had for breakfast.
this is a pointless "chart"


jetbent t1_iwu93eh wrote

Tell me you’re a /r/fragilewhiteredditor MRA without telling me you’re a /r/fragilewhiteredditor MRA


MrMediaShill t1_iwu9djv wrote

Yes…yes… turn the races against the genders! That will distract them from our 2400x gap!



jacktacular t1_iwu9szj wrote

most crime is committed by 20-something year old men so yeah maybe missing some context here. maybe do that “per capita” thing i keep hearing about.


prince-pauper t1_iwudqpy wrote

I’d be curious what it would look like to compare annual incomes of shooting victims.


Kerivkennedy t1_iwugeb8 wrote

And where is the sub graphic with types of crime associated with each?

Or compare police related shooting to other shooting deaths (Ie gang violence, intentional homicide).

Data can be beautiful, but complete statistics of a large enough data set to make valid conclusions is even more beautiful.


jrm19941994 t1_iwujujk wrote

Both the demographics in blue commit violent crimes at significantly higher rates than the red. What you want is likelihood of being shot per police encounter. This will give more insight into the level of bias at play, which there almost certainly is, but this data does nothing to confirm or deny claims of bias in policing.


hiphippo65 t1_iwum5us wrote

Even then that’s not a great metric. It’s only a good for identifying bias if we assume all interactions are the same. One where you stop someone for carrying a gun down the street va a traffic stop are going to be very different regardless of race. African Americans tend to live in more dangerous areas, so you’d expect encounters to lead to more incidents from that alone.

Ironically, in a world where police are told to be more sensitive to race, and to stop minorities less often, you’d expect shootings per encounter to go up, since less encounters are for smaller infractions.


Leading_Principle316 t1_iwunh8g wrote

So males commiting more crimes which lead to more encounters with police.

why is other chart different, who knows.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwuoetl wrote

You're accusing victims of violence of being criminals without evidence.

See, we'd have the numbers of how many are criminals, but these people were shot, and never had their day in court. Many of them were innocent and unrelated to any crime, or did something obviously civil like selling products without a license or driving with expired tags.

It's incorrect to assume these people committed some crime that could warrant being murdered. Especially in a country with such an overdeveloped and inept carceral state as the US.


Bot-yMcBotface t1_iwv6cmd wrote

I find this an example of a really good troll.

Because it is very divise, highly engaging and just true enough to be able to defend it 2-4 comments deep. Of course, only if it's adjusted to prevalence of 100k people. But I do believe it is more dangerous to be a man (and men are more dangerous). Like

"Men are more violent than women so the shooting ist justified"

"well Black people are on average more violent than the other "races" (how you americans call it. Seems weird to actually write)"

"well they are just the outcome of the social realities"

"well the men are too"

"but it's the mens own fault, if they are white"

It shows a double standard, which may very well be justified.


Dmytro_North t1_iwv6xqc wrote

This is an example of a really bad chart in my opinion. Is it death from police shootings… in 100 year period? On planet Mars? Per 100.000 population or total? If it’s the US does it reflect the fact that there are around 14% of blacks, but around 50% of women? What’s the source? I honestly would like to know. This chart tells me nothing as is.


BloodyVaginalFarts t1_iwvpk0h wrote

So the police should start killing more white women. Keep things equal.


Roquet_ t1_iwvxdkm wrote

All we have to do is kill more women!


ARealBlueFalcon t1_iww3im5 wrote

So this is saying 2.5/100k blacks 1/100k whites and 24/100k men? That doesn’t seem accurate. I think this is an absolute number. Actually I think it is 24x more per 100k men. That makes this an awful graphic.


doomsl t1_iww8cfi wrote

I wouldn’t trust that data at all and even it shows that you clearly won’t be fine as of the people shot by police account 20% are unarmed


jacktacular t1_iww8p7d wrote

how are the laws on the books sexist against men…? and how does that impact police using force on them….?

people with more masculine features are more likely to be perceived as a threat than those presenting more feminine so it makes sense why men are over represented in these stats.


jacktacular t1_iww9m5f wrote

i feel like it’s pretty disingenuous to appeal to the 10% of people shot being unarmed as a way to assert that the 80% armed with a deadly weapon & potentially threatening the life of another person are probably innocent.


LanewayRat t1_iww9zt8 wrote

The “country gap” is much bigger than the “race gap” or the “gender gap”. What country is this?

Oh wait… I betcha it’s that country who likes guns and shooting everyone.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwwx3gq wrote

Given that 32% of US adults say they own a gun, I think this is honestly a pretty flimsy excuse. Someone having a gun on their person is not justification on its own for the police to shoot them. And the police statistics don't even tell us whether the gun was even drawn, let alone aimed at the officer.

Take a read of the stories of death from your own source. After you read down far enough, you'll see a few cases where the individual aimed a gun at an officer....and dozens that sound like gunning down someone who was not at all a threat to the life of the officer. People with toy guns. People running away from the police. And this is the accounts written by the police. Imagine if we could read their side of the story! What a shame....they're dead so we'll never know.

If you want to know how dirty the American carceral system actually is, my recommendations would be either Matt Tiabi's The Divide or Johann Hari's Chasing the Scream. If you listen to either one on audiobook, I should warn you, they're filled to the brim with horrifying things no human being should hear without context, so listen to them somewhere private.


Your_Trash_Daddy t1_iwwyrfa wrote

I didn't see anything here that said they were killed, or that if they weren't killed, that they weren't given a trial. It's a wild assumption to assume that every shooting is a killing. So that was your premise. Invalidates what follows.


Your_Trash_Daddy t1_iwwz55j wrote

And another false statement as an assumption, which makes everything that follows it invalid, again. You're not actually good at this, but you are wordy.

Owning guns doesn't mean they are carried. Very few of the guns owned are actually being carried around . And if you want some evidence of that, look at the number of guns owned in america, versus the number of people.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwwziq6 wrote

Well, given that both the OP image says "Deaths from Police Violence", the OP title says "Deaths from Police Shootings" at the top and the link that jacktacular pointed out says "994 people shot dead by police in 2015", which matches the numbers in the link, I think it's safe to say they're both talking about shootings that specifically resulted in killings.

In the United States, trials do not occur post-mortem. If a person dies on the scene, no trial occurs.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwx12m0 wrote

>And another false statement as an assumption, which makes everything that follows it invalid, again. You're not actually good at this, but you are wordy.

Your argument has a missing reference in the form of "another false statement", so I have no idea what it even says. Your follow-up statement also has a missing reference in the form of "good at this." What is "this"?


Bot-yMcBotface t1_iwyikn7 wrote

No in my langaguage you don't use the word "race" to denote people.

I think it is bad being shot by police regardless of any features except direct threat.

Even then, they should not unload a whole magazine in someone


Purplekeyboard t1_iwykhwh wrote

As I understand it, this clearly demonstrates the system sexism that comes from living in a matriarchy.

Someone might think this is because men commit more violent crimes than women, but we on reddit know that all people are the same and that there are no differences between any groups of people, so this cannot be.


qwedso t1_ix3bpzj wrote

Do you also have data of who were the shooters? By race and gender?