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data_n_stuff OP t1_iwudxug wrote

Btw, can UK people confirm this? :


B4rtkartoffel t1_iwug65d wrote

If it is measured in US$ which no European country uses the measurement might be distorted, no?


[deleted] t1_iwuhbc9 wrote

Does a low price mean a higher density of supplying parties? I mean Belgium and Netherlands are quite cheap… as expected… how ever Portugal… never expected that. Looking at all countries the price isn’t probably based on purchasing power.


bornagy t1_iwuhdcs wrote

Are people seriously considering Lux as a valid data point to analyze country trends? The whole place is an easy afternoon stroll in a park.


data_n_stuff OP t1_iwuheyv wrote

It is indeed, the original UN data source (link in 1st comment) states that of course changing currency conversion rates can affect the data. But that could be the case with EUR too as many countries still have their old national currency


NewChallenger13 t1_iwuj7on wrote

An arrow would've been easier to understand at first glance instead of this cone and white circle and empty circle thing.


Gamingenterprise t1_iwurlx4 wrote

ive seen a gram of very pure coke here in nl for 15 euro's


its terrifying how cheap and how much there is here


(not from an coke user but drug legalization advocate)


[deleted] t1_iwurs6y wrote

I always thought the Netherlands and Belgium where to biggest ‘hubs’. So I was more surprised Portugal became that big in such a relatively short time. But as you say, it’s quite logical, knowing about the ties with Brazil.


Gamingenterprise t1_iwuzyve wrote


A lot goes to the uk these days surprisingly

Use is high here as well

The use amongst young people is decreasing tho but thats because 3mmc/4mmc are a lot better bang for buck compared and more popular than coke (also fiendish as fuck)


ShadowSlayer1441 t1_iwvqv8g wrote

It seems odd that cocaine prices would be lower in Portugal considering it can be legally imported I believe to the Netherlands. Perhaps the market is oversaturated.


Arseh0le t1_iwvzxt0 wrote

Average price did increase but also the darknet gave people access to really strong m, competitively priced coke do it kind of balanced out.

The shit pub grub is probably went up 10-15% tops in my (academic) experience.


tinny66666 t1_iwwfv5o wrote

Another case where a line chart would be far more informative. Using novel charting methods purely for their novelty, when traditional forms are superior is not beautiful.


sha1checksum t1_ix0yvva wrote

The y sorting here is not very intuitive, what are you trying to show? It seems like it is based on their highest value, so either 2010 or 2020 values are shown. Try sorting it by the 20[1,2]0 value only, or the delta between them.


Sickamore t1_ix4hyrp wrote

I guess the one guy out of the 10 living in Luxembourg finally moved out.