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kmkmrod t1_ix3pmm0 wrote

The graph is excellent but it should have the total somewhere.


[deleted] t1_ix6qoac wrote



kmkmrod t1_ix6ri6u wrote

When looking at a chart you shouldn’t have to calculate. That’s literally the entire purpose of a chart.


NeverNotUnstoppable t1_ix721wu wrote

Hmm, really? I would say when looking at a chart you should NOT have to calculate, at least not if the chart is well done.


kmkmrod t1_ix77fj5 wrote

Edit. Siri sucks

Correct, you should not hand to calculate.


Apart_Cherry1116 t1_ix5q2xs wrote

Its a sick thing to get enjoyment of of the deaths of migrant workers


kmkmrod t1_ix64ofq wrote

> u/Apart_Cherry1116 … Its a sick thing to get enjoyment of of the deaths of migrant workers

Who the fuck got enjoyment from the death of immigrant workers? I know nothing I posted even comes close to that.

What the hell is wrong with you that you’d think any post here implies enjoyment over deaths?


Apart_Cherry1116 t1_ix6dyup wrote

You just said a graph about dead people is excellent and want a total death count. It's disgusting


kmkmrod t1_ix6j35z wrote

You’re disgusting

I said the graph is excellent. It displays the deaths in a way that clearly shows what’s happening. I didn’t say the deaths are ok, I said the way the data is shown is well done.


OCE_Mythical t1_ix70xv3 wrote

People like you baffle me. So eager to find injustice that you're just insufferable.

Nobody here is saying, "excellent chart, love the deaths".

They're saying "it'd be easier to see the magnitude of the problem if we had a total"

Which sounds like a better representation of data?

a day by day of your expenses or a day by day with a monthly/yearly total?


arcticsnom t1_ix7w5ua wrote

why are you on r/dataisbeautiful and shitting on a guy who thinks the data is beautiful lol


Achakita t1_ix92s5n wrote

Somebody must have dropped you as a baby.