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RegionDowntown1474 t1_ix4rnlf wrote

Can’t believe I have to say this, but no, COVID stats was not the main thing I took away from this graph. Migrant worker deaths are terrible, both before and after the World Cup announcement. I’m not watching the WC because of the human rights issues, and I’ve said so elsewhere. As someone who takes data seriously and critically analyzes it, I find the lack of acknowledgment that a global pandemic might have affected the data disingenuous.


BigBruhMoment22 t1_ix56uoj wrote

i see, that’s a fair response and i completely understand, i apologise for my previous comment as it definitely was more aggressively worded than i initially intended, unfortunately you still find nowadays a fair few people that’ll use COVID as an excuse to ignore a larger issue or necessarily the topic at hand and i guess seeing your comment i assumed it was along those lines. although assuming just makes an ass out of u and me and i apologise


RegionDowntown1474 t1_ix5cjgn wrote

Thanks. I really appreciate this and think I could’ve been more clear in my original comment too. Have a good one.