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asdftom t1_ix4tv7w wrote

The probability of death for an Indian man aged 25 over the next 10 years is 1.8% according to the data here.

That is for all men, not just healthy which you would expect migrants to be. But most men aged 25-35 are quite healthy I imagine.


Luddevig t1_ix5r5sj wrote

Thanks for looking it up! But yeah, since the death rate is higher for an Indian man than a migrant worker I guess a big enough percentage has some kind of illness that they die of.

All in all it means that I don't know that thousands of migrant workers has died because of bad treatment. I still think that this is the case, and I still know that they live under dreadful circumstances and that hundreds have died because of unsafe working environments (

Also, since Qatar restrics journalists heavily and doesn't give out proper death data we really shouldn't give them the benefit of doubt.


asdftom t1_ix5x4ik wrote

My conclusion is I think very similar to yours.

There are many problems with how migrant workers are treated but we don't know enough to conclude even roughly how many excess deaths were caused. But Qatar's lack of information provision forces us to assume the worst.

There is enough to criticize Qatar about without firmly stating a specific number for migrant deaths. And imo focusing on this misleading statistic of migrant deaths will undermine all the valid criticisms of Qatar.