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jmr1190 t1_ix5rdgg wrote

Focussing on deaths allows apologists to say ‘throw this out, it refers to ALL deaths’. And neatly sidesteps the fact that most of the entire country over the last 20 years has been built out of slave labour, under horrendous working conditions.


omdano t1_ix60t5p wrote

Can you answer the follow up i edited into the comment? I don't want the answers to be repetitive, so if you're against death apologists, can you provide me with your side?


jmr1190 t1_ix62t4r wrote

My point is more that arguing a contested statistic is a bad framing device. I think arguing specifically over migrant deaths is a red herring - and it allows those who are trying to dismiss the issue an easy way to disregard the entire discussion.

There is plenty of evidence that migrants are being convinced to pay a lot of money through phoney ‘recruitment agencies’, often emptying their life savings into such schemes to earn as little as $0.50 per hour in excruciating conditions.

Human Rights Watch are literally having to remind the Qatari government that their labour force actually do need to be paid at all. There are accounts of workers being deported without pay. These are based on accounts and obviously won’t be accounted for in any official data.

Added to which, I find the argument ‘these workers have conditions just as bad in [insert developing nation] to be unsatisfactory. These developing nations don’t have the resources for 10 billion dollar vanity projects - and if they did, obviously they should be treating workers well, too. Working standards shouldn’t be a race to the very lowest standards in the world.

EDIT: Finding the downvotes amusing. There’s not a lot that’s controversial here than pointing out facts. Workers ARE being paid as little as $0.50 an hour. Qatar CAN afford to pay them more. There HAVE been difficulties with workers being paid at all. These are all facts. If you want to argue the point on working conditions in other countries, then…I guess you must really like capitalism.


omdano t1_ix63ai6 wrote

The workers are earning much more than they would do in any other place AFAIK (I used to be a migrant in UAE), I do agree that the system of wakeel needs to be removed.


By the way, the USA isn't a developing nation.


Anyways, thank you for your lengthy reply, I will review it a couple more times.


jmr1190 t1_ix7kdh5 wrote

They’re earning up to $0.50 an hour. I’m not here to defend anyone doing that, and nor should anyone. The USA also has some horrendous working conditions, I’m not defending this either (although, nowhere is it legally this bad).

There is obviously a lot of money in Qatar - it shouldn’t be morally acceptable to find the population with the lowest wage expectancy in the world and exploit that.