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kmkmrod t1_ix3pmm0 wrote

The graph is excellent but it should have the total somewhere.


[deleted] t1_ix6qoac wrote



kmkmrod t1_ix6ri6u wrote

When looking at a chart you shouldn’t have to calculate. That’s literally the entire purpose of a chart.


NeverNotUnstoppable t1_ix721wu wrote

Hmm, really? I would say when looking at a chart you should NOT have to calculate, at least not if the chart is well done.


kmkmrod t1_ix77fj5 wrote

Edit. Siri sucks

Correct, you should not hand to calculate.


Apart_Cherry1116 t1_ix5q2xs wrote

Its a sick thing to get enjoyment of of the deaths of migrant workers


kmkmrod t1_ix64ofq wrote

> u/Apart_Cherry1116 … Its a sick thing to get enjoyment of of the deaths of migrant workers

Who the fuck got enjoyment from the death of immigrant workers? I know nothing I posted even comes close to that.

What the hell is wrong with you that you’d think any post here implies enjoyment over deaths?


Apart_Cherry1116 t1_ix6dyup wrote

You just said a graph about dead people is excellent and want a total death count. It's disgusting


kmkmrod t1_ix6j35z wrote

You’re disgusting

I said the graph is excellent. It displays the deaths in a way that clearly shows what’s happening. I didn’t say the deaths are ok, I said the way the data is shown is well done.


OCE_Mythical t1_ix70xv3 wrote

People like you baffle me. So eager to find injustice that you're just insufferable.

Nobody here is saying, "excellent chart, love the deaths".

They're saying "it'd be easier to see the magnitude of the problem if we had a total"

Which sounds like a better representation of data?

a day by day of your expenses or a day by day with a monthly/yearly total?


arcticsnom t1_ix7w5ua wrote

why are you on r/dataisbeautiful and shitting on a guy who thinks the data is beautiful lol


Achakita t1_ix92s5n wrote

Somebody must have dropped you as a baby.


Tato7069 t1_ix3qjzd wrote

There's not really much context here... Weren't more migrants coming to Qatar to work on this stuff? Deaths per 100k would actually show something


pesv95ab t1_ix44ywu wrote

It is lacking context big time and has been manipulated even more.

Yes more migrants have come to Qatar because of the World Cup, but the migrant population has alway been huge in Qatar. Native Qataries are about 12% of the population. The rest are migrants. There re more people from India (700k), Bangladesh and Nepal (400k each) Vs Locals 330k. That ratio has been around for decades plus minus a few %. Last time locals were a majority in their own country was in the 1980s, before gas and oil.

Also it is all deaths...including old age, disease, car crashes, murder and so on.

Also they include deaths before the stadiums even began building. And the 2020 numbers include Covid deaths.

They also ignore conditions at home Vs conditions there for the migrants. Have anyone been in India lately during the summer and how hot is it there? And how crappy the living conditions are for many people?

And what about the other Gulf Nations? Qatar is an "enemy" because of their good relations with Iran and bad relations with Saudi Arabia. They are also behind Al Jazeera, which pisses off Saudi Arabia, and other gulf nations for exposing their dirty laundry. There has been a defacto cold war going on for over 10 years. Hell Saudi Arabia were looking into digging ditch so the Qatar would become a island.

Migrants have built the gulf since the 1970s and have lived under the same conditions and worse as the ones in Qatar since long before that.. and just now it becomes a problem for one country and not the others? I have personally witnessed these conditions in the 1980s and 1990s and they could be absolutely horrible compared to western standards. Oddly enough no one complained much back then, because western companies and countries were earning big bucks. No one talked much about it when building up Dubai and it's big buildings... You think the migrants were treated better there?

No when we start banning Manchester City, Arsenal, Newcastle, PSG, Real Madrid due to their ties to gulf countries...not buying oil and gas, not having our companies in those countries...who all use the same exploitation practices ironically..then maybe things would change...but that ain't gonna happen.


Fr0stpie t1_ix5cqt0 wrote

Hey yo yo hold on just because we are top of the table doest mean we are an oil club. Arsenal is owned by kse. Stan kroenke is a douche but still we didn't splash a load of money like other oil clubs.


pesv95ab t1_ix5hvuu wrote

Emirates Stadium, and Fly Emirates on the shirt. Who do you think built the airports Emirates fly from and fancy hotels and resorts they supply tourists with?


zeelbeno t1_ix69qj2 wrote

Don't forget their 'visit Rwanda' sponsership... that aged well


Fr0stpie t1_ix5isky wrote

That goes for every stadium and airport in the world. I donts get it how arsenal came in all this. Every club have ties in some other way with that logic. Ac milan lyon hell there is even a emirates fa cup ? I dont condone all the innocents lives lost but if u bring politics in sports there will be very less to enjoy. Dont forget up until last season chelsea was being owned by abrahimovic. Lets not go down that rabbit hole


pesv95ab t1_ix5l0vh wrote

I don't disagree.

But my point is the hypocrisy by especially the British media (who have been leading the charge) is massive. No complaints about Man City and their owners, but plenty of crap about Qatar. There was moaning when Newcastle was taken over, but nothing compared to this. And not a peep when Emirates got naming rights on the new Arsenal stadium.

If people really want to change things, then going after Arsenal or City or any other business that does business with gulf nations is far more effective than going after Qatar for something the whole region does and on a much bigger scale. Not to mention this world cup is forgotten by January 1st, and the leagues with sponsors from the very same problem countries start up. Real Madrid has emirates as sponsor too..just saying.


jmr1190 t1_ix5qqr8 wrote

If you pay attention, plenty of people are complaining about those things too - and have been for years.

Sportswashing is a real thing and it’s killing sport. Qatar is no different.


apply75 t1_ix5ka0b wrote

I think the goal of the chart is to show from absolute number of deaths. Average deaths were about 1,000 which increased to 1300 (30% increase) then 1600...then 2000 which is double from 15 years ago.


Tato7069 t1_ix5vr0r wrote

Okay... Then the goal is dumb... There are many many more deaths in New York city today than in 1900...because there are more people, not because it's more dangerous. Without population info or deaths per x number of people, the info doesn't really tell you anything


jamintime t1_ix6zv1c wrote

If you compare the number of deaths per year in the U.S. from 1955 to today the total has roughly doubled. That's because the population has doubled. This graph is pretty meaningless.


telendria t1_ix7hbcs wrote

how about from 2005?


jamintime t1_ix8yqc0 wrote

Qatar's population went from 860,000 in 2005 to nearly 3 million today. So you could argue that the number of migrant deaths per capita is actually going down.


andylikescandy t1_ix3u6ed wrote

According to the chart there were around 22,000 deaths during construction... That's around 1% of Qatar's non-migrant population, and I suspect the number of migrants did not exceed the local pop. Even if it's off by 10x, 2,000 would be obscene for any modern construction project (merely) assembling buildings on Earth's surface.


BenUFOs_Mum t1_ix45zai wrote

But it's not construction, it's all deaths. And foreign workers make up nearly 90% of the population.


Luddevig t1_ix40gdy wrote

Qatar's non-migrant population is like 400 000, and they have over 2 million migrant workers. So we still land at 1% death rate in 10 years.

I would like to know the probability of death in ten years for a healthy man living in India to know if 1% in ten years is high or not.


asdftom t1_ix4tv7w wrote

The probability of death for an Indian man aged 25 over the next 10 years is 1.8% according to the data here.

That is for all men, not just healthy which you would expect migrants to be. But most men aged 25-35 are quite healthy I imagine.


Luddevig t1_ix5r5sj wrote

Thanks for looking it up! But yeah, since the death rate is higher for an Indian man than a migrant worker I guess a big enough percentage has some kind of illness that they die of.

All in all it means that I don't know that thousands of migrant workers has died because of bad treatment. I still think that this is the case, and I still know that they live under dreadful circumstances and that hundreds have died because of unsafe working environments (

Also, since Qatar restrics journalists heavily and doesn't give out proper death data we really shouldn't give them the benefit of doubt.


asdftom t1_ix5x4ik wrote

My conclusion is I think very similar to yours.

There are many problems with how migrant workers are treated but we don't know enough to conclude even roughly how many excess deaths were caused. But Qatar's lack of information provision forces us to assume the worst.

There is enough to criticize Qatar about without firmly stating a specific number for migrant deaths. And imo focusing on this misleading statistic of migrant deaths will undermine all the valid criticisms of Qatar.


Pinetrees1990 t1_ix5jfla wrote

The BBC's investigation said on average there were 50 deaths a year for " stadium building" related deaths. The rest were normal deaths.


Luddevig t1_ix5s5en wrote

Thanks. That would be 50 workers * 8 stadiums * 5 years for each = 2000?

I would imagine many also died from their living conditions that were promised to be a lot better than they were. And the infrastructure was a much larger project than the stadiums which would mean like 4000 additional deaths? Maybe that was included in the stadium building?

Anyway, at least 2000 is good to know.


Pinetrees1990 t1_ix5sdhs wrote

No that was across all stadiums I believe


Luddevig t1_ix5thkx wrote

Oh okay. Like 500 then (the stadiums were built over 10 years)! And 1000 from infrastructure and ... 1000 from bad living environments? My guess would be 2500 then, and at least 500.


Chomchomtron t1_ix432sm wrote

Migrants are about 85% of the population in Qatar now, about 3 million people (NYT), but of course that swelled a lot due to construction needs compared to before. Deaths per 10000 in construction work in the US is about 10 (OSHA). The numbers in that chart are not different in comparison, not to mention there are difficulties even getting good figures due to how intransparent Qatar is.

There are lots of things to criticize Qatar for, why focus on this?


andylikescandy t1_ix4gx7b wrote

Hold on, looks like I was wrong but that's still not right... About 2 million migrants, even with lower estimates from elsewhere of 6000 dead that's like 30 per 10,000 workers, and an upper estimate (this chart) of over 100 per 10,000...


Tato7069 t1_ix4lu3k wrote

It didn't say anything about a construction project, it's total deaths in the country, caused by whatever... As far as I can tell


voltek2108 t1_ix3yhu2 wrote

Yeah but they have oil and they paid those despicable old men millions, so why not let a few nobodies die right?

Allah has a paedo tash and the Quran was originally written on toilet paper whilst high on jenkum :)


omdano t1_ix4hqwi wrote

This is just migrant death? from all causes?


Followup: Let's say we have 2000 deaths annually per 2 million migrants (1 per 1000), what makes this worse than USA's 9 per 1000 death rate [1]?




Please tell me I am wrong, this is so dogshit on western governments and critics if it's right, please tell me I am wrong.


putrasherni t1_ix5lkfw wrote

What I find hypocritical, is the abject poverty Indians in India live in. Tens of millions of people living with their families in uninhabitable slums all across India make them vulnerable to find anything even the slightest better chance of better cafes, so that their kids may have some future if they survive.

This is the reality of poverty in India, making gulf a better place to work. Arabs know this and so does the Indian government, and Indians in gulf bring back billions in foreign exchange reserves back to India usually helping their families to have a fridge and some education. UK is where it is today because of all the loot they did in India, India’s gdp was 23% of worlds economy in 1700 and was a mere 0.3% in 1947 when the Brits left India.

Also this chart is all lies, yes there have been deaths, this is all deaths of foreign nationals, but it’s WC Qatar drenched in blood.


tronaldmcdump t1_ix5r67e wrote

Total Deaths from Covid in Qatar as of today: 684.

Yep, looks like it's still Qatar's fault.

Edit: and you completely changed your post. Originally they were blaming this on Covid.


omdano t1_ix6wx1b wrote

doesn't really, look at the stats mentioned in the original comment I posted.


Adeposta t1_ix7ealv wrote

There's a lot going on which is difficult to get on one graph. Rather than migrant death any cause there is probably a more telling measure. It might be construction worker deaths without preexisting conditions per hours worked Vs comparable hot nations and Vs previous stadium building projects


ligasecatalyst t1_ix8czdi wrote

The annual USA mortality statistic you quoted is across all age groups, including seniors. The labour migrants in Qatar are young, able-bodied men. The annual mortality for males in the 25-34 age group in the US is less than 0.2 per thousand per year. Qatar has a more than fivefold excess deaths for migrants compared to the similar age group in the USA, which leads to a very rough estimate that around 80% of migrant deaths are excess deaths compared to a similar demographic cohort in the U.S.


jmr1190 t1_ix5rdgg wrote

Focussing on deaths allows apologists to say ‘throw this out, it refers to ALL deaths’. And neatly sidesteps the fact that most of the entire country over the last 20 years has been built out of slave labour, under horrendous working conditions.


omdano t1_ix60t5p wrote

Can you answer the follow up i edited into the comment? I don't want the answers to be repetitive, so if you're against death apologists, can you provide me with your side?


jmr1190 t1_ix62t4r wrote

My point is more that arguing a contested statistic is a bad framing device. I think arguing specifically over migrant deaths is a red herring - and it allows those who are trying to dismiss the issue an easy way to disregard the entire discussion.

There is plenty of evidence that migrants are being convinced to pay a lot of money through phoney ‘recruitment agencies’, often emptying their life savings into such schemes to earn as little as $0.50 per hour in excruciating conditions.

Human Rights Watch are literally having to remind the Qatari government that their labour force actually do need to be paid at all. There are accounts of workers being deported without pay. These are based on accounts and obviously won’t be accounted for in any official data.

Added to which, I find the argument ‘these workers have conditions just as bad in [insert developing nation] to be unsatisfactory. These developing nations don’t have the resources for 10 billion dollar vanity projects - and if they did, obviously they should be treating workers well, too. Working standards shouldn’t be a race to the very lowest standards in the world.

EDIT: Finding the downvotes amusing. There’s not a lot that’s controversial here than pointing out facts. Workers ARE being paid as little as $0.50 an hour. Qatar CAN afford to pay them more. There HAVE been difficulties with workers being paid at all. These are all facts. If you want to argue the point on working conditions in other countries, then…I guess you must really like capitalism.


omdano t1_ix63ai6 wrote

The workers are earning much more than they would do in any other place AFAIK (I used to be a migrant in UAE), I do agree that the system of wakeel needs to be removed.


By the way, the USA isn't a developing nation.


Anyways, thank you for your lengthy reply, I will review it a couple more times.


jmr1190 t1_ix7kdh5 wrote

They’re earning up to $0.50 an hour. I’m not here to defend anyone doing that, and nor should anyone. The USA also has some horrendous working conditions, I’m not defending this either (although, nowhere is it legally this bad).

There is obviously a lot of money in Qatar - it shouldn’t be morally acceptable to find the population with the lowest wage expectancy in the world and exploit that.


wwarnout t1_ix3p1nz wrote

So, when Infantino says he wants to "unite the world", does this mean killing migrants?


Baconburp t1_ix45idk wrote

He clearly didn’t think that comment through. Better said, he didn’t think at all throughout that entire press release.


kickspecialist t1_ix4h1pn wrote

He said so many stupid things no one even commenting on his attempt to get World Cup games in North Korea.


zebulon99 t1_ix59yji wrote

I doubt he has thought anything through since 2010


RegionDowntown1474 t1_ix41r2d wrote

Ok, but couldn’t the number of deaths in 2020 be unusually high because of COVID?


BigBruhMoment22 t1_ix4ecka wrote

is that the main thing you took from this? covid statistics? not thousands of migrant workers deaths even a decade before covid?


Just_a_Guy_In_a_Tank t1_ix4ljb7 wrote

No, they’re asking legitimate questions instead of just taking something at face value like a well-trained sheep.

Two things can be true at the same time:

Qatar can be a country that takes advantage of and provides an unsafe work environment for its migrant workers


More migrant workers died in Qatar in 2020 due to COVID, much like more people in nearly every country died due to COVID.


Skinny-Fetus t1_ix4kynw wrote

Ya true. It was truly shocking to hear migrant workers are not immortal. What do you think the mere existence of worker deaths show?

You'd have to show they were higher than non migrant workers or something to make any argument


youngsyr t1_ix4ned6 wrote

Deaths from what cause? Could be work accidents, could be cancer. This graph doesn't tell us that.

There are over 2 million migrant workers in Qatar I believe. 1 death for every 2,000 people in a given year isn't particularly high. About 1 in 15,000 people commit suicide in the UK each year, for comparison.


RegionDowntown1474 t1_ix4rnlf wrote

Can’t believe I have to say this, but no, COVID stats was not the main thing I took away from this graph. Migrant worker deaths are terrible, both before and after the World Cup announcement. I’m not watching the WC because of the human rights issues, and I’ve said so elsewhere. As someone who takes data seriously and critically analyzes it, I find the lack of acknowledgment that a global pandemic might have affected the data disingenuous.


BigBruhMoment22 t1_ix56uoj wrote

i see, that’s a fair response and i completely understand, i apologise for my previous comment as it definitely was more aggressively worded than i initially intended, unfortunately you still find nowadays a fair few people that’ll use COVID as an excuse to ignore a larger issue or necessarily the topic at hand and i guess seeing your comment i assumed it was along those lines. although assuming just makes an ass out of u and me and i apologise


RegionDowntown1474 t1_ix5cjgn wrote

Thanks. I really appreciate this and think I could’ve been more clear in my original comment too. Have a good one.


zeelbeno t1_ix6a0yc wrote

Didn't realise migrants were supposed to be immortal and have no deaths.


MagicCarpetBomb t1_ix4pywc wrote

Yeah. It’s correlated or it isnt. It’s a thing that happened.

Weird fucking soapbox you got there.


MindSecurity t1_ix5nw0b wrote

Name checks out. Everyone give this guy a break, he just found out people aren't immortal. He needs a moment, and a helmet. He probably doesn't even know that migrants make up a beyond large majority of their population like 85% or something like that. Qatar is an absolute horror show for humanitarian reasons, but at least get proper angry instead of angry at graphs that take things out of context.


Metalytiq OP t1_ix3o1e0 wrote

Data Source:

The Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) of the State of Qatar

The Stadium Guide

Tool: Tableau Desktop

The 2022 World Cup officially starts today. Qatar has undergone criticism and controversy surrounding several different reported totals of migrant worker deaths since being awarded host nation. Data related Qatar's work-related deaths have been debated and analyzed for accuracy by several organizations. Our analysis takes a look at Qatar's official Planning and Statistics Authority of migrant deaths totals (not necessarily related to the World Cup) in relation to the duration of time taken to construct or renovate the eight stadiums hosting the World Cup matches.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Qatari migrant deaths are not necessarily related to World Cup stadium construction, however the average has increased since the start of construction in 2014

  2. This analysis only looks at the time stadiums were constructed (2014-2021), several other city infrastructures and facilities ere also developed specific for the World Cup events as of 2010

  3. There is currently no data on migrant deaths for 2021, however 2020 was the final year of stadium construction and also had the peak number of migrant deaths.


Skinny-Fetus t1_ix4l9vg wrote

>Qatari migrant deaths are not necessarily related to World Cup stadium construction, however the average has increased since the start of construction in 2014

Doesn't necessarily mean anything as it's not per 100k or something like that. That could simply mean more migrant workers moved to Qatar


dingleberries4sport t1_ix512ss wrote

This is what I’ve been wondering since I’ve been seeing all these posts. How did they actually die?!

I’m sure there aren’t a lot of safety practices there, but I can’t imagine shoddy construction work killed over 10,000 people


poli_trial t1_ix7r8zs wrote

Hmm, I feel like there was something else that happened in 2020 that increased deaths worldwide... but can't quite put my finger on it. Must have not been an important event I guess!


Achakita t1_ix55zd9 wrote

I am confused here. The graph doesn't show the total number of workers in a given time. Suppose 1000 workers were there and 100 died in 2004, whereas 3000 workers in total were there in 2021 among which 250 died. The latter number is larger, yet the percentage of death would be much higher in the case of the former. So, without the total number of workers, these figures mean nothing.


SunnyDayInPoland t1_ixrrmpl wrote

Absolute numbers work well here, they highlight the magnitude of the problem and put things in perspective. Qatar is posing as an advanced country, they should be aiming for zero harm like the West.

For context, in the UK, a country 20 times bigger than Qatar, there were 30 (THIRTY) construction industry deaths in 2021 (migrant or otherwise).

The magnitude of Qatar's incompetence and the contempt for migrant life is shocking and absolute numbers show that best. Each data point here was someone trying to make a decent living, losing their life just so the rich can get richer.


MachiavelliSJ t1_ix45bvv wrote

Kind of meaningless if we dont know the population of migrants in each year. My guess is that it increased higher than the death rate


Ram3ss3s t1_ix57i8o wrote

I live in Qatar, the country is 90%+ expats.


Muscle_Man1993 t1_ixeoukf wrote

There are more Indians alone than Qataris! Let alone other nationalities as well.


WilhelmsCamel t1_ixg7dep wrote

Qatar has about 3 million people, 300,000 are qatari and the rest are migrants


Jacob_Trouba t1_ix4pp8z wrote

GTFO with your propaganda bullshit. Fuck I hate people like OP that post their propaganda all over Reddit on unrelated subs.

The World Cup has started already, this stupid graph provides no value other than to try to convince dumb people that "Qatar is evil". It doesn't tell anyone what the deaths are related to, could be anything, and everyone with some intelligence realizes that.

I wish there was a rule against propaganda on Reddit, it makes me sick seeing how much of it is on here, and it makes me even more sick seeing how much people are braindead sheep that just accept whatever info that is spoon-fed to them, like this post, without questioning it at all.


zugi t1_ix5g2pi wrote

While I'm not as angry as you, in fact this graph has convinced me that there's no reasonable concern about guest worker deaths in Qatar.

Someone in the comments analyzed these numbers and determined that the average death rate for guest workers in Qatar appears to be less than for people living in India.


AbdoWise t1_ix4rxf5 wrote

but this doesnt take into considuration the increase of citizens , a death per 100k diagram would be more accurate


Hubert19570 t1_ix3u53b wrote

Do you have the same graph for Abu Dhabi? Where the F1 race is?


Jeffmaru t1_ix5c224 wrote

There was a global pandemic, this data means nothing without context or causes.


choff15 t1_ix5oq94 wrote

Can someone do a hypothesis test on this to determine how statistically significant the change in the average deaths is?


sahbig t1_ix6rglp wrote

So deaths decreased after construction started despite immigrants increase, except for 2020 covid year


-domi- t1_ix3uo8n wrote

Are they building pyramid stadiums, or what?


anonkitty2 t1_ix76rcm wrote

Olympic stadiums are pyramid stadiums. Not every country knows how to use the facilities after the Olympics are over.


tomtttttttttttt t1_ix77e8t wrote

This is the world cup, not the olympics. Most countries who host the world cup do so using existing stadiums, maybe building one or two which will go on to be used as a national stadium or by an existing team or two.

Qatar is definitely an anomoly in that regard.


ClarkFable t1_ix5ok65 wrote

So is the obvious interpretation that the building of the stadiums had little to no impact, and if anything stopped an upward trend in deaths?

Using averages before and after doesn't seem to make much sense, especially if there is an overall growth in construction.


corvus0525 t1_ix6czj2 wrote

Needs some additional control. Also 2020 was an anomalous year everywhere, so how to include those numbers?


Z79X t1_ix7fuzo wrote

I lived in Doha, Qatar from 2014-2016. They treat the TCN’s like garbage. Plus, there’s ZERO safety standards.

However, ~85% of Qatar’s population consists on migrant workers and expats.Your graph is missing vital data.


fail0verflowf9 t1_ix7inkn wrote

Finally a proper chart about the Qatar stadiums.


Apprehensive_Ad_3957 t1_ix8qja1 wrote

How is it proper? Doesn't give a comparison to labour death average globally relative to labour population


fail0verflowf9 t1_ix93awv wrote

You're right. My expectations became too low after seeing the previous top-upvoted posts about Qatar, and now I can appreciate low-quality content as well.


ngl_reddit t1_ix48oov wrote

This subs name never was that wrong :(


alokinTESLA t1_ix4hlbz wrote

May I suggest a moving sum type of line graph instead of the bar plot. It might be more impactful to show how the deaths added up then yearly totals.


Cheap-Experience4147 t1_ix4n7f7 wrote

That mean in average the word cup (if we assume that Qatar have make 0 others project between 2010 and 2020) rise the death of worker by 200-500 by years from 2010 (wordcup attribution).

It will be interesting to have also the number of death in similarity country for building project.


Apprehensive_Ad_3957 t1_ix8qcra wrote

Absolute numbers are always misleading what matters is rate per certain number of migrants with comparison to labour deaths elsewhere


[deleted] t1_ix52pdk wrote

Right as if other countries don't have any migrate deaths whatsoever like people die all the time elsewhere and now you decide to talk about it might as well keep your mouth shut


Ram3ss3s t1_ix57963 wrote

But this is all deaths! There are like 900,000 construction workers in the country, ofc the deaths would be high.


apply75 t1_ix5jwnm wrote

So just to be clear.... migrant deaths during construction is acceptable in this country but alcohol consumption during soccer is where they draw the line?


Apprehensive_Ad_3957 t1_ix8r0sz wrote

Well the AVG death per 100k migrants is actually lower than the labour deaths per 100k labours. It's seems skewed because there are 3m migrant workers who could die literally with any cause and would show up in this chart


tehmetamorphosis t1_ix6f3e2 wrote

17 of the 22 FIFA executive committee members who were in place at the time Qatar was awarded the Cup have now been arrested, indicted, charged, or accused of bribery. FIFA continues to deny that evidence exists. (Now we’re all smarter!)


setlis t1_ix6o9wq wrote

Why did Qatar need eight more stadiums? That seems a bit much for a country the size of Connecticut.


anonkitty2 t1_ix76mqx wrote

The Olympic Committee appears to demand that many sites.


setlis t1_ix98tup wrote

Is the World Cup part of the Olympics?


anonkitty2 t1_ixakn3u wrote

No. Sorry.


setlis t1_ixaq838 wrote

Okay now I’m even more confused. They built eight stadiums because of Olympics but…there isn’t an Olympics being held there. Or is it a future site for the Olympics, as in they are trying to host it? I’d assume their biggest hurdles aren’t infrastructure but maybe more civil rights based if that’s the case.


anonkitty2 t1_ixb97hf wrote

I was more confused than you when I wrote the first comment. I did think the World Cup was related to the Olympics then. Then I was reminded of reality by another Redditor. Sorry.


Longjumping_Shower43 t1_ix7rwvh wrote

There’s nothing alarming in the data. Please do not dilute the atmosphere, leave them alone and concentrate on the sport


WhitePantherXP t1_ix6gfuu wrote

Honest question, because this seems unbelievable (although I do believe it's true, this would help cement it for me). There must be at least a few videos of these thousands of deaths, or plenty of photos. Even in the military videos and photos are leaked and I doubt a construction site is more closely guarded than the infosec the US military. This is the kind of evidence that really makes these things go viral, charts only go so far in the day of smear campaigns. I just can't find any videos/pics myself right now, anyone?


0tt0attack t1_ix6rxzp wrote

Data like this need to be presented per capita. What is presented in the graph is absolutely useless.


malutina_s t1_ix7e3bd wrote

It's more of a mass grave/tomb than a stadium.


risky_bisket t1_ix7lsn6 wrote

Correlation vs causation. 2020 was the pandemic


Broad_Bag_5526 t1_ix81nze wrote

I can't wait for the world cup to be over so that we can stop seeing these plots.


GoatHoovesPi t1_ix85tx7 wrote

Believe we’d want to see how many migrants were available to die at those times, and see the changes in death rate among that population, not just hard numbers. More migrant deaths could simply mean more migrants. 🤷🏻 I’m not a math though.


leeguel t1_ix3z0uh wrote

I just migrant worker deaths is just business as usual in qatar


OrionsHeadband t1_ix4kqe1 wrote

What Qatar will probably do is lower safety standards so that the death rates remains high to prove that it was just a normal rate and and World cup was not an anomaly.


Sherezad t1_ix5q7it wrote

Someone should be rewarding this post. Needs to be front page on reddit


wercs t1_ix4gcb9 wrote

This data is not so beautiful. However, thank you for putting it together


iFoegot t1_ix3vfm6 wrote

If you want to boycott this World Cup but are interested in the event, watch it on free websites.


Achakita t1_ix93u0r wrote

That will only harm the broadcasters who have done nothing wrong here. Just by watching it, you are supporting the event. No matter where you watch it from. Even if you do not watch it and check the score on the internet, you are supporting it. The only way you can boycott such a big event is by staying totally away from everything related to FIFA. It's the greatest event on the planet, second only to the Olympics. And Qatar is just one of the many oppressive countries in that part of the world. Why don't you boycott petrol cars too, the oil you use probably comes from one of those oppressive countries.


MindSecurity t1_ix5ollo wrote

That's not how you boycott the World Cup. You do it by not watching it at all. This is the equivalent of those church crazies that have anal sex to "loophole" sex in the eyes of their Jesus.


hms_poopsock t1_ix6h7pa wrote

There's nowhere in the bible they talk about sodomy!!! Loop hole! ... .......


Deja-Vuz t1_ix3tzeg wrote

Fucked up, so many deaths


MachiavelliSJ t1_ix45hgt wrote

4700 Americans died doing construction last year. This isnt even construction deaths, this is just deaths.

Obviously, there are more people in the US than in Qatar, but this graph doesnt include population…because if it did it would show that population has grown faster than deaths in that time period, which would counter whatever narrative they’re trying to push.

Edit: US had about 1000 construction deaths, not 4700


schefar t1_ix46t7i wrote

Exactly. Waaay too many graphs about the subject lately in this sub. Which makes me feel suspicious.


Deja-Vuz t1_ix4cxyb wrote

Do you think it's propaganda against Qatar?


asdftom t1_ix4y9hw wrote

I think people see that there are great problems with the working conditions and such in Qatar and then accept that number of deaths which everyone else is repeating, without really thinking about what a normal number would be.


Deja-Vuz t1_ix51jpx wrote

Yeah normal people will believe in a lot of things when it's put out on graph charts


youthofoldage t1_ix46ixw wrote

I think that 4700 number is total work-related deaths. Construction deaths were just over 1000, which was still surprising high to me. But that’s for every construction job in America! I can’t imagine choosing any 10 construction sites in the US and finding more than a dozen deaths among them. SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles is a good comparison. Two men died on the job there, and that was considered scandalous.


DocPeacock t1_ix550dm wrote

The US population is about 150x times larger and foreign workers are 88 percent of qatars population.


TheBlazingFire123 t1_ix469bm wrote

America has over 100x more people than qatar


MachiavelliSJ t1_ix47rpw wrote

My point is that the number is not that meaningful when it’s not put as percentage of population


Ar4iii t1_ix4amf7 wrote

The graph show total number of deaths from any reason. It would be hard to say how many of those are related to construction and almost impossible to asses how many can be classified as work related.
Still there are lot of reports say that most workers especially in construction do work in bad conditions, very high temperatures, high humidity, low quality water and bad accommodation and medical services. Personal safety and well being of the workers doesn't seem like priority, so it is obvious that mortality rate is much higher that that in US. It is also worth to note that bad working conditions can lead to developing many illnesses including ones that can lead to premature death weeks, months and even years after those immigrants leave the country and those would not be covered by this statistics at all.