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Grimalkin t1_ix4b04j wrote

I knew the numbers were lopsided in Qatar and UAE but didn't realize how much, wow.


Chagrinnish t1_ix4ij6d wrote

In (e.g.) Qatar the citizen population is 300K and then the other 2M are foreign labor -- seven foreign workers for each citizen. It's pretty crazy.


machado34 t1_ix6trjq wrote

Ripe for a revolution if you ask me


prussian-junker t1_ix6xx1c wrote

Why? It’s not like the migrant workers are interested in Qatar. Most don’t want to live there and have families back home. The current situation is honestly pretty ok for them which is why they go there for work rather than stay in their home counties. Why would they ever destroy that?

There’s not really anything to gain yet it would cost them the opportunity which is the entire reason why they are there in the first place.


CaptianYoshi t1_ix6zizt wrote

I could be wrong, but I thought most of the Southern Asian expats in the Middle East were more akin to indentured servants than migrant workers, and often overworked and underpaid on extremely long contracts.


prussian-junker t1_ix70ttp wrote

Underpaid by Qatar standards but they make significantly more than they would back home. That’s why they do it. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to convince 7 million people to do it.

It’s less slavery and more akin to how we in the west would treat something like working on an oil rig or sent to a weather station. It’s hard but you do it because the pay is good.


CaptianYoshi t1_ix714bv wrote

Interesting, thats a perspective I haven’t thought about.


Doinjustgood t1_ix77stm wrote

Speaking as a Nepali guy, I agree with you guys. In Nepal people don't get well-deserved opportunities to sustain. So working in these nations is their only option, since they lack language skills to go work in other developed nations.

But the working and living conditions there are really tough. I personally, was lucky that my parents could afford to send me to Europe for study and work. But I had a friend, who worked almost for a year in Dubai. Where he was constantly bullied, discriminated by manager and workers from other nations. He had to share bedroom and bathroom with 16 people. And the kitchen used to be one big hall for the whole building. I often hear more terrible stories from other people.

Although they aren't treated as slaves, basic human rights are neglected, and often their work contract are terminated untimely or sometimes underpaid.

The government in Nepal is to blame completely. It benefits from remittance of the workers, but doesn't ensure people's rights in the working nation. In fact, the gov is so corrupt, it accepts bribe to let many employment agencies in the country pass, which randomly employ people to work in such conditions. There have been few revolts against that, yes. But it always turned futile. In the upcoming elections, many intelligent and sympathetic people are getting elected. Hopefully, they'll listen to the cries of people.


DrTonyTiger t1_ix84ul6 wrote

Are the foreign laborers even considered people by the Qataris? Would they make the "population" graph differently?


Apprehensive_Ad_3957 t1_ix8m8o5 wrote

Not very different from how migrant workers treated elsewhere for example Spain pretty much treats it's migrant workers in plantation industry in terrible condition. It's just Qatar has extremely large migrant worker population


gofardeep t1_ixbllix wrote

Talk about human rights, exploitation and path to citizenship. I am just referring to folks in the US being so concerned about DACA and what not. I tell my friends at least in US you people talk about it. No one even gives a damn to human rights in the middle east for non-citizens


DeplorableCaterpill t1_ix5uvx2 wrote

South Asians seem to make up a majority of the population in UAE, but strangely, I don't think I saw any when I visited Dubai.


SneakySpy42 t1_ix5x8s4 wrote

It wouldnt be prudent to have the people you keep as slaves to be seen by the rich/famous people visiting your country


ConsistentDeal2 t1_ix67rui wrote

There are south asians working in all tiers of society there, but if it's a super fancy location you're probably more likely to see largely westerners and arabs


ResponsibilityOk235 t1_ix609gr wrote

Absolute lies. I saw them everywhere when I went there could hardly find an ethnic Arab


OldExperience8252 t1_ix80k7e wrote

There are tons of super rich Indians and other south Asians in Dubai though..


SneakySpy42 t1_ix8su8b wrote

I bet you there are more slaves than rich people from those regions in dubai


OldExperience8252 t1_ix9cabn wrote

If by slaves you mean construction workers, yes.


SneakySpy42 t1_ix9xfrk wrote

By slaves I mean people who are brought into the country to work and have their passports taken away from them and find themselves living indentured servitude


OldExperience8252 t1_ix9znpk wrote

The Kafala system applies to all foreign workers in Qatar, including white collar foreigners making 6 figures.

Millions of low skilled workers from Asia and Africa travel to work in Qatar and the rest of the Middle East every year. There’s a reason for this.


SneakySpy42 t1_ixa48ju wrote

Keep defending slavery


OldExperience8252 t1_ixa4p6e wrote

*Attacking misinformation


SneakySpy42 t1_ixa5pio wrote

BingQiLing + 10000 social credit!


OldExperience8252 t1_ixa67f2 wrote

I disagreed with you so I must be a paid shill of course.


SneakySpy42 t1_ixa8tpq wrote

Nah I think you're probably just an idiot but you happen to be defending a repressive regime


OldExperience8252 t1_ixabfaj wrote

Very happy to criticise any country as long as it’s with accurate information.


grandtheftdragon t1_ix5xnn2 wrote

There is at least in Qatar (and very likely other gulf states) zoning laws that restrict where the totally not slaves can live. The authorities don't want foreigners with any kind of money seeing these people. In the case of Qatar, there is a special zone for these people which the government is quietly liquidating, due to coming scrutiny from outside.


ResponsibilityOk235 t1_ix60b2j wrote

Absolute lies. I saw them everywhere when I went there could hardly find an Arab


AgentBroccoli t1_ix87yt5 wrote

So these countries can expect negative population growth for the next 30ish years (of native peoples).


ackermann t1_ix5ye67 wrote

Huh, even if women can vote in those countries (not sure)… they’re outvoted!

No wonder women’s rights are terrible in the region.


ZookeepergameOwn1726 t1_ix62l9b wrote

You think the male expats get the right to vote ? Lol.

Even male citizens can barely vote for minor, useless local election.


ackermann t1_ix636qx wrote

Didn’t realize expats were counted for these numbers