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Esarus t1_iymcat2 wrote

Sorry but this is not a good nor beautiful visualization, if you need a "How to read?" paragraph for your visualization to make any sense, you could improve your visualization.


data_n_stuff OP t1_iymg1xj wrote

Sorry man, I appreciate the feedback however I don't agree. If you are making any visualization which is not a "conventional" one like a pie chart or bar chart, it's a good idea to include a "how to read" or some explaining legend as people have different data literacy skills. It's very common even for the best creators in the industry (I'm obviously not in that group) to include a how to read section. With your last point I agree though, there is always room for improvement :)


swankpoppy t1_iymp58w wrote

I disagree that it is hard to understand. I think it shows the trends really well actually. Maybe kind of complicated, yes, but I was able to digest it pretty quickly.

I do always have a problem with the size of circles being used to illustrate data since the area of a circle goes as a square, or is the diameter (instead of the area) of the circle correlated to the data?


data_n_stuff OP t1_iymv85l wrote

To my best knowledge tableau is using the area of the circles as the visual variable


Esarus t1_iymk2gx wrote

Yeah no worries, we can disagree. It's a pretty visualization, just not clear (for me personally!)


RD__III t1_iyn9zu5 wrote

Meh, I actually like it. The descriptor is pretty simple, and it allows the plotting of 4 separate (year, number of incidents, casualties, & fatalities) variables in two dimensions in a way that's pretty easy to take in


steven_qichen t1_iymr1h9 wrote

I'm sorry its not another ugly bar chart like the frontpage of shit sub is. It's okay to actually use your comprehension skills once in a while. There's a lot of brilliant graph types that's not immediately obvious, just pick up any data visualisation book. The point is, once you understand the graph, the visualisation provides a useful tool for your brain to comprehend the graph. The point is not to have the prettiest bar chart because anything else is difficult to understand.