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Sad-Monk-8136 t1_j2530vb wrote

I’m sorry I just fail to believe so many of us go to church. I honestly don’t know one person that is under 60 that goes. We do lie to our grandparents that we do, so that’s also what people surveyed did… /s


Mr_Hassel t1_j26ph3s wrote

>I honestly don’t know one person that is under 60 that goes

Well there you have it, it's mostly old people.


HieronymusGoa t1_j25cuhn wrote

i worked at a school in berlin with 90% polish pupils for years and i didnt even know that that amount of misguided catholicism still existed in europe. of course one could argue that these were all polish expats but i have my doubts that they turn religious as soon as they leave the country but are atheists before :)


Ancylostomaduodenale t1_j26443l wrote

On the other hand back in my school days, most of the students were atheistic. But I am from a city so maybe that's the difference since many immigrants are from the countryside I think.


Longjumping_Virus818 t1_j26vc3u wrote

The only thing that could explain poland being so high would be that they asked people in front of churches. Don’t get me wrong i still think poland’s one of more religilus countroes but this data looks like it’s either made up or 30 years out of date


xratedcheese t1_j2915bc wrote

I wonder what percentage of Poles have been conditioned to give the "correct" answer when answering surveys?

Question: "Do you pray every day?"

Suspicious Pole: "Uh... who's asking? I mean, sure! Yeah, I pray every day. That's right. Every day."

Though I suppose a lot of people mutter a little "please God" when they buy a Lotto.


YakEvery4395 t1_j284o0x wrote

Going to church while not praying daily would be an indicator of social pressure to go to church, despite people not being that faithfull.

Are concerned the countries above the lines : Poland, Italie, Ireland...


whatweshouldcallyou OP t1_j24lejo wrote


Legarchive t1_j24nj6s wrote

Ah a fellow ggplotter. Your graph is very nice!


p10trp10tr t1_j2831hp wrote

It's nowhere near a nice graph. There is a mysterious legend on the left, which says Religion_Important and which mysteriously corresponds to the color of data points and there is no information on what that means. If that was high school homework, I'd give this a D

edit: it also does not start at 0,0 as someone mentioned and aspect ratio is random


Ancylostomaduodenale t1_j263kl5 wrote

Hard to believe with all this whining from the church about the crisis in religion in Poland.