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folstar t1_iyrgqmc wrote

Neat idea, but:

  1. Way too fast.
  2. Not a very good projection
  3. 500M is creation myth level flooding. Should be kept in the realm of reality or marked as Kevin Costner fanfic.

DouweOsinga OP t1_iyrhz17 wrote

That's good feedback. I could slow it down, but I didn't know how much patience typically people have around here. I agree on the projection - the underlying data is all gridded though and reprojecting elevation is quite doable, but reprojecting populations and keeping track of how many people are now involved is non trivial. If you have a suggestion, let me know.

Sure, 500m is not going to happen, but people kept asking me to show what happens at that height.


tuctrohs t1_iyrkl4y wrote

> but people kept asking me

This is your second post of approximately the same thing. No comments on the other post requested that.


gigglemaniac t1_iyrn43u wrote

People on the street kept asking for it.


tuctrohs t1_iyrp1nb wrote

You have people on your streets still? They're all flooded here and you basically only see ducks.


steelfork t1_iyrrg9e wrote

I'm asking for a version that shows what would happen if at the same time the sea level is rising our necks all stretched by the same amount keeping our heads above water. I'll keep asking for this until I see it.


[deleted] t1_iyrgctw wrote

Why push this narrative when the maximum rise would be 70m if all ice melted? ❄️ It would be bad enough, no need to exaggerate with this kind of visualization.


i-have-a-kuato t1_iyrgyvb wrote

I don’t know who has an a map that would accurately depict this event but I think even a quarter of one of those scenarios would be devastating


DouweOsinga OP t1_iyrhc61 wrote

I had one that went on to 100m but then people kept asking me what happens if we go to 500, so ...


Still_too_soon t1_iyrhsox wrote

Sure. What would happen if Europa crashed into Earth?


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iys00yr wrote

Nothing that will matters to us in the long term

because there wont be anyone left to tell immediatelly after


gigglemaniac t1_iyrncui wrote

Then random people kept asking what if it was 1000m? Or, people kept asking if, instead of water, it was LAVA!!????


v4ss42 t1_iyrhhvm wrote

But that’s impossible.


vandrag t1_iyrpl45 wrote

Search your feelings Luke. You know it to be true


v4ss42 t1_iyrpqv1 wrote

I love a good Star Trek quote. 🥰


scaleofthought t1_iyrra9n wrote

What would it look like if the displaced populations diffused to other areas where populations/settlements already exists?

It would be interesting to see how super dense areas that need to evacuate flooded areas would affect surrounding areas in unaffected regions in terms of population growth as the sea level rises.


iamthemosin t1_iyrsr8w wrote

It would be interesting to see the opposite, a projection of ice age conditions. A 300m+ sea level fall, coupled with a 300m+ rise in sea floor level due to crust compression from the mass of a 2km thick sheet of ice over most of Canada and Russia.


jasmanta t1_iys6aty wrote

Obama's mansion on the waterline at Martha's Vineyard enters the chat.


i-have-a-kuato t1_iyrfqaa wrote

Spain seems to be the least affected, time to brush up on my Spanish.


whirly212 t1_iyrp1an wrote

Switzerland gives no fucks either. Come visit.


i-have-a-kuato t1_iyrptww wrote

No joke on my bucket list. My mother spent time in Austria, Norway and Switzerland in the early 50s. Even in black and white photos the area looks incredible


whirly212 t1_iyrvltb wrote

The Swiss Alps are insane man, defo make the trip someday.


DouweOsinga OP t1_iyrg1si wrote

It's gonna be quite hot though in that Spanish highlight island!


Early_Lab9079 t1_iyrtgvr wrote

Don't forget, half the world would be pissing their pats, which would make the water raise even faster.


GeremieIsMe t1_iyrw0fk wrote

using this map and a 3-d render you can build a survival game that would be very realistic


Auliya6083 t1_iysnaxt wrote

Is this really "beautiful" though? Seems like scaremongering to me


TotallynottheCCP t1_iyugrpr wrote

500m sea level rise is laughable. I.e. NEVER gonna happen.


Kywala t1_iyux266 wrote

Spreading stupidity to the world. 27 years repeating the same SHIT.


gmuslera t1_iyvsu4v wrote

Water constantly and evenly rising without any other nasty effects over years/centuries is a massive oversimplification. Far more people will be at risk all through the way to that, how many people would survive in your area if just one of the days of all those years gets to, I don't know, 60ºC? Even 40-50ºC with very high humidity will do the work. And massive rains, or hurricanes or other extreme weather events. No matter how safe are you from sea rise, is the whole pack what put your life at risk.


bluedaddy1 t1_iyrqfhx wrote

It’s reassuring to know that Florida will be the first to go


jaylotw t1_iyrsdlg wrote

Yes. That's my favorite part of these animations, seeing Florida disappear almost instantly. Except, all those Floridians would then scramble northward like elderly, wrinkled cockroaches, building CVSs and Riteaides everywhere. Florida man and his family would stay put and drown.
