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tapakip t1_iz1nxyr wrote

At first glance it sounds like a lot of deliveries, but I just ran the numbers on when I used to deliver pizza. My average 6 hour shift saw 12 deliveries. I worked 5 days of 6 hours apiece, so that's 60 deliveries a week. Call it 50 weeks a year, and I was at 3000 deliveries in a year.

I was also paid $6.25 an hour + tips, which worked out to be approximately $13/hr in total. Total yearly earnings was $19,500.

Note: This was 20 years ago.


ScreamyPeanut t1_iz20yap wrote

Another disruptor company that did nothing but hurt the industry.

I realized that I was making the same $35,000 per year in 1997 that I was making in 2012 doing the same job for a different company. There is def a problem out there.


azur08 t1_iz48zk5 wrote

Enabling delivery from any restaurant you want did not “only hurt” the industry….


ScreamyPeanut t1_iz5uezz wrote

Do you actually think it helped the restaurant Can you explain that?


azur08 t1_iz64eka wrote

There are many restaurants that get way more business because of it. Any restaurant whose kitchen could scale to more than their in-person dining would allow for, would benefit from this.

I have no idea if it’s a NET benefit…but you don’t know if it’s a net cost either…but you asserted that it did nothing bad things to the industry. That’s just plainly untrue.


ScreamyPeanut t1_iz67kzk wrote

I get what you are saying in theory.....

In my area it did nothing to benefit, a number of friends own local restaurants, so not plainly untrue. My statement is true for my area. I can understand if its different in large Metro areas, but like I said, delivery is dead in my area. No side hustle delivery jobs here. No greater food choices for my community. That is def a net cost to my community as a whole.


azur08 t1_iz6dm95 wrote

You said it did nothing it hurt the industry. That IS, in fact, plainly untrue.

And it’s also untrue for your area. Your anecdotes aren’t enough to outweigh the widely understood benefits for some restaurants.

Also, I don’t understand what you mean by “delivery is dead” in your area. If it’s dead, then what’s the problem?


ScreamyPeanut t1_iz4us9t wrote

A lot of damage was done. Some unexpected. I live in a rural area where the local restaurants used to deliver, that ended, and none of these delivery services will work out no more home delivery in my area at all.

Edited to correct my comment