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cuatra51 t1_iz92tpe wrote

I have the same surprise for S6. I feel like I was already getting whiplash from the plot acceleration, bored of Dany's character and sick of the "we are vErY rEaLiStIc also Jon Snow survived a solo charge towards thousands of archers without a scratch"

I think there was a lot of wanting to see it to the end, so being willing to look at and enjoy the good parts. Also, I think a lot of what people enjoyed (specific characters' development, great, grand battle scenes, dragons!, nudity :P) was still there.


Kaellian t1_izkotp3 wrote

Watching last few seasons of GoT was like watching a diving competition. Sure, they weren't going to land the world record and probably wouldn't score all that well, but it's still impressive in its own right.

But then they splattered on the side of the pool.