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navywater t1_izbrwv5 wrote

I call bullshit. How could you possibly get 40 maids a milking for only $290???


Fallacy_Spotted t1_izc6omo wrote

It looks like they didn't include the cows, unless they assumed they were milking themselves.


navywater t1_izczyyo wrote

If they are milking themselves that would be a massive up charge. I don’t think you could find 40 women willing to do that for less than $100 an hour


Dengareedo t1_izd412y wrote

On the news today (aus) they are setting up a milk bank like the blood bank

So may not be that hard to do


Maldunn t1_izd1quk wrote

self milking maids cost even more!


Nsvsonido t1_izfh7b0 wrote

If they were milking themselves I believe it would be more expensive than using a cow


ThunderThighsMegee t1_izc82cu wrote

I thought so too but it seems they did the math of 40 people working the federal minimum wage for an hour.. I dunno man, I’ve never heard of a maid willing to work for $7.25 an hour


samirac1e t1_izcdgng wrote

They hired undocumented maids-a-milking so they wouldn’t have to pay a living wage!


TrueBirch OP t1_izced5o wrote

Pretty sad how far the federal minimum wage is from a living wage. I don't know if $15 is the right number, but $7.25 is too damn low.


pingieking t1_izcfhy5 wrote

$15 isn't the right number because that's too damn low too. I remember reading a few months ago that if min wage kept pace with productivity since the 1960s it would be just over $20 now.


electro1ight t1_izcucmw wrote

This is why it's horseshit to pick a number. Peg it to CPI and be done with it. Just like social security, Medicare etc.


Ok_Frosting4780 t1_izcn03k wrote

Living wage varies from place to place. Some places in the US it probably is around $15/hour. Others may have living wages as high as $30/hour. What they should do is set the minimum wage based on a formula for local living costs.


TrueBirch OP t1_izcpv9l wrote

Some minimum wage jobs aren't designed to support someone living solo. I live in Washington DC, where the minimum wage is north of $16/hour. That makes sense here. But it's still not enough to buy a studio apartment.


tombradysballz6 t1_izd0gxk wrote

There are a couple bigger issues at play here. Minimum wage was created to protect unskilled workers, keyword unskilled. The intention was you’d be able to develop valuable skills, increasing your value to the company, which results in a pay bump because capitalism pays off value added.

When these laws were created though they didn’t plan for mega corporations like Walmart and McDonald’s (you can only add so much value at a job that can be replaced by a computer who works for free) so people get stuck making an unlivable wage because they’re either 1. Too lazy or disinterested to invest in themselves or 2. Are so behind that they need to work crazy just to keep afloat.

I’d be surprised to see major change on the federal front because ya know lobbyists so who the fuck knows, soon we may not have a middle class.


TurtleWitch t1_izf158j wrote

If it's not enough to get a studio apartment then it doesn't make sense


mykineticromance t1_izcx0cr wrote

the song doesn't say how long the maids were hired for, so the only way we can interpret being given any of the humans in the song is slavery. The prices for the birds aren't 1 hour of work, it's for ownership.


TrueBirch OP t1_izce8hk wrote

PNC Bank's annual report makes a lot of judgement calls. That's inevitable given the subject matter. I'll give them credit, though, since they keep their methodology consistent from year to year, which lets them accurately report the inflation.


TrueBirch OP t1_izcqa31 wrote

PNC Bank uses the federal minimum wage to calculate the cost of an unskilled farm laborer. Sadly, some farm workers earn even less than that.


hexe86 t1_izg03xy wrote

Slave wages


navywater t1_izg2bh9 wrote

Bruh it’s not a voucher to go see some people milking cows somewhere. You have to transport 40 women cows and buckets to your house in order to present them as a gift. That means a bus for the maids, trucks for the cows, and a serious amount of planning.