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veleros OP t1_j24o142 wrote

Source: Google Trends. Tools: Python and Canva


veleros OP t1_j24of8l wrote

Searching for a country in order to look for the score may help inflate the search index but other data reveals that people truly are interested in reading more about each country. For example, the main Wikipedia article for many participating countries received record visitors during the World Cup.


BatangTundo3112 t1_j24wngu wrote

The Americans don't give a shit or maybe they just goggle/d soccer? Idk


DiFrence t1_j250e5r wrote

What does the different coloring mean?


5ClearUrinations t1_j2551ma wrote

What do the values mean? I thought they were a metric of interest for a country compared to that country’s times of highest and lowest number of searches where 100 is the time when it was highest and 0 is lowest. However, I noticed that not all countries have an index at 0.


calvinball_hero t1_j25k0d1 wrote

I’m surprised that many people made a typo when searching for Saudi Arabia


AmiAlter t1_j25oj3d wrote

I just love the slow build of Ghana because it's very likely related to the Ghanaian funeral dance video.


5ClearUrinations t1_j25x4cv wrote

That isn’t how my interpretation of the index would work. 100 would the highest interest in that country’s history and 0 would be when interest is at its lowest in the country’s history.

Arbitrary example: the U.S.’s lowest interest was when it was searched 2,000 times in a week. The index of 0 would correspond to that value. The U.S.’s highest interest is when it was searched 150,000 times in a week. This would be its 100 index. All other indexes would just correspond to somewhere between 2,000 and 150,000 weekly searches.


MattGeddon t1_j26iwuc wrote

Is the first peak for Wales the 2016 Euros?


LevynX t1_j27u2ml wrote

I'm pretty sure some of the previous spikes were also World Cup related, like Croatia's looks like 2018


drnicko18 t1_j28ailn wrote

This is how you tell apart the important countries from those who are only googled during a world cup


chickenman7 t1_j28b235 wrote

X axes should have ticks for world cup years if possible to make it easier to read.


Flat-Product-119 t1_j28dfcw wrote

I’m curious why so many “developed” or might be more accurate to say western nations have an overall decline from 2004 to today? I’m thinking of Switzerland, Wales, France, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Canada, USA as examples.

I say western might be more accurate instead of developed because South Korea and most of South America don’t seem to follow that overall downward trajectory.

Is it just illustration of countries where the internet became more ubiquitous sooner? And we were all just googling ourselves so to speak? And then as internet access became more widespread in other countries it sort of evened out? But the timeline only goes back to 2004, would have thought it needed to go back just a few years further to show that. Then again I live in the US and didn’t have internet in my house constantly until around 2005, not because it wasn’t available but because it just wasn’t part of my life when I was in my 20’s and never at home and I hadn’t grown up with it always being there.

I don’t know, might not even be thinking about the chart trends in the right way or reading too much into it. Would be curious what others think or if they noticed the similar charts for some nations.


Darks-Chaos t1_j28dstj wrote

Why does france and spain do so weird stuff


jredican t1_j28gx84 wrote

I guess everyone already knew what Canada is?


cherry_picked_stats t1_j2bafg9 wrote

the subtitle reveals part of the reason: only in half of the countries there was record search interest in 2022.

secondly: there is no way to be sure that it's predominantly World Cup which generated the record interest. For some of those countries it surely did, for others - we can't really be certain. And I'm quite comfortably sure that for Poland the cause for record interest has little to do with World Cup - it's mostly war in Ukraine.

What your data says is at most that World Cup, among other events, might generate increased global interest.


veleros OP t1_j2bsegv wrote

The war on Ukraine has been going on for almost a year now. Also, many countries that did not have a record search during this world cup do have record search during other world cup editions like Uruguay, Brazil and Germany.