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BlackEyedAngel01 t1_izrh9c4 wrote


Nice data. Interesting to see how Argentina and France have been consistent powerhouses while Croatia and Monaco have had ups and downs


JDDW t1_izrjume wrote

I want to see Morocco win just because they're the last team anyone would've expected to win


goxxerjones t1_izrn0wu wrote

What does England look like on there?


Corposjuh t1_izrpd94 wrote

I don't. I think the team deserves it but the fans whistling all game long when the opponent has posession ruins watching the game


BastardChicken1 t1_izrs8yx wrote

0 is actually not at the top of the Y-axis?

I’m sorry, that’s a down vote from me, dataisNOTbeautiful.


Low_Independence_837 t1_izrw968 wrote

Why is only up to 2018? Ranking up until later this year is widely available, no reason to exclude it.


CyborgBee t1_izrxk1a wrote

Would be on average a little above Croatia (without the massive climb on the right that Croatia had after becoming independent). Nearly always top 20, often top 10, rarely top 5 until recently


Corposjuh t1_izrzp3r wrote

Cheering for a team or whistling against a team are two different actions. They are the only team whistling against opponents, really sad.


zeoNoeN t1_izsb7tb wrote

This sub is called data is beautiful, not boilerplate ggplot. This belongs more into r/soccer, as the visualization is boring and the data doesn't tell clever story.


[deleted] t1_izsdhyz wrote

I'd like to see the 'then rankings' of the 'then SFinalists' for every WC.

Would be fun to see where all lower ranked teams did well kn an average...


TurbanD00med t1_izsog7k wrote

I like the idea, but could do one that uses the football ELO rankings? They tend to be more accurate less random then Fifa's official ones


perrrperrr t1_izstfs0 wrote

The 2022 World Cup and honor don't go together.


si1versmith t1_izt3onr wrote

You know your can correct the y axis to say start from 1, not zero

This chart is not beautiful


ElegantUse69420 t1_izt56yv wrote

Let's not count the year leading up to and including COVID. Totally skews the data.


Germanicus7 t1_izt6uex wrote

I don't know how we didn't drop out of the top 12 in 2010 considering we missed the world cup that year.


LookAround-blog t1_iztbpu5 wrote

Given the complete unpredictability of the current championship, this data will hardly help those who place bets with backmakers. I won't be too surprised if Morocco becomes world champion this time.


thecrgm t1_iztem3z wrote

how tf did france go down to 25


TyoRim t1_iztgwbb wrote

Stupid graphic. France won the world cup in 2018 and was ranked 1st for a while... We don't see the team under rank 5...