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Maxathron t1_izt0u7m wrote

It's not climate change. All the cities are way hotter than the surrounding forests because they're made from steel, glass, concrete, and asphalt, which soak up ambient heat like a sponge and slowly release it over the day. Additionally, the lack of plant life to help cool the air by respiring water brought up from underground means the temperature goes up and up and up. Not all the heat manages to escape which increases the average temperature. Repeat this process over the years and it looks like it's way hotter than it should be. Go to some national park in France and surprise! the climate history suggests no climate change is happening at all.

You can test this by sitting on some hot asphalt road and compare it to sitting in the field of grass and then comparing that to sitting in a forest. Guarantee you'll be sweating on that road in a few minutes.

In the UK, it just so happens that they cut down the majority of their forests, urbanized the place, and people just keep wanting to immigrate there. This ain't the middle of the Rockies where no one lives.


bitofrock t1_izt2rug wrote

We cut the forests down in Britain a looong time ago and have been growing more in recent years. Urbanisation in the UK has barely changed in the last fifty years, so the correlation is poor.

Of course, if you can suggest that we're taking more measurents in cities than in rural spaces than we did them you might have a point. Are we?


Thenerdy9 t1_izt2ls8 wrote

You're describing Heat Islands. And it's not mutually exclusive to climate change. Just a fact that works against resiliency to climate change.

Fun fact: More trees helps combat both.


[deleted] t1_izt5enu wrote



Maxathron t1_iztajc4 wrote

You guys cannot actually argue against the industrialization and urbanization of the UK and the rest of the world as NOT the source of the temperature increase.


And stop gaslighting me and others into thinking your 'climate change' is anything but it. Worse than the CC naysayers omg.
