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w1n5t0nM1k3y t1_j28feq5 wrote

Isn't Shein more of a market place than a brand? I thought it was like AliExpress for clothing.


chouseva t1_j28n8ot wrote

Shein is also notorious for stealing designs from other companies, so it's not surprising that they have so many items. There are an awful lot of designers - large and small - to steal from.


EthanBeast t1_j28unp4 wrote

Fast fashion industry is one of the grimiest for me. It’s like the bottled water industry. I don’t understand how it exists. People got tricked into two use clothing? Idk


WholeWheatCloud t1_j29szgx wrote

How is this beautiful data, or interesting, more than shilling for Shein?


GeorgeDaGreat123 t1_j2fwveh wrote

Cool visual, I knew Shein had a lot more variety, but seeing it visually is mind-blowing. Unfortunate that you're being downvoted but that's Reddit I guess. Thanks for sharing!