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market_theory t1_j0ihzhn wrote

It has experienced good real per capita growth -- which is to be expected given its low starting point -- but the predictions that it will soon outstrip China have yet to be realized.

> You can hate India all you want

Why do you think I hate India? I don't much like its current leader or his moronic hindutva supporters but I'd much rather see it do well than China.

> "the boom of the economy" have been common place only after 1990

I will concede I overstated the period.


sunchaud t1_j0k0vwj wrote

> Predictions will outrstrip China

There has been no such predictions in the last 15 years. The most bullish predictions have India catching up to Japan in the next 10-15 years ( in terms of gross GDP). In most social aspects, India is close to where China was in 2007-2008, so we are 15 years behind.

It is true that China has shown signs of economic weakness due to their 0 COVID policy, but most economic agents still have them growing at 4-5% per year and surpassing them in the short-mid term is a pipe dream

The hope is to close the gap and to compete with them more fiercely.

> Low base

Preposterous statement. India and all non European/NAFTA/Australia and NZ started from the almost same low base. It is the 4th country that most grew in this time period

Take LATAM as an example, no country was able to maintain India's rate of growth this consistently except for China. To deny the active role of the governments and the people is not based on reality

Besides, if a 900% growth in GDP is not a boom for you, I don't know what would be

> I don't hate India

I might have let the tone of other comments in this thread make me biased. If so, my apologies