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Not_that_wire OP t1_j0prbku wrote

Totally agree. I really try to honour the individuals I know it looks like rows from data table. I'm always aware that each row is a child who is afraid, hurt and in need of TLC.

It's hard work form me. I cry often. But after 30 yrs of making people rich from data, this feels better for me.

I work with quantitative data only. I don't do lit reviews and book report type research. Much of it is rehashed and derivatives if not just conforming (easier to get funding).

I felt my son's insight, while admittedly a generalization, helped me open up my perspective which helps me ask more meaningful questions.

There's no precise approach to understand individual outcomes but, in aggregate, looking at abuse through a public health/public safety perspective, the more likely we are to identify and support victims while securing better evidence against perpetrators.