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RUng1234 OP t1_j0iamiq wrote

Hi everyone,
In the last 6 months, I implemented an income tax calculator for Germany which includes several visualizations:

  1. How much is deducted as taxes and social contributions,
  2. What your salary would be in deferent tax classes (yes Germany got several of them, depending on, your marital status, are you single parent etc.),
  3. How you gross salary compare to the rest of the full-time employees subject to social security contributions (valid for monthly gross incomes between 1000 and 6600Euros),
  4. What would be you social contributions and tax rates for different gross salaries (e.g. if you get a pay rise),
  5. How many employees are within a pay grade for a certain group (Gender, Age, Nationality, etc.).
    If you have any constructive feedback please share it with me.

The statistical data are released by the German statistical office.


JustSomeTommy t1_j0iboza wrote

Wow I really like your design. Especially the animations and graphs. I've seen similar sites before that weren't as good.

What did you code this in?


momoontheswing t1_j0ir700 wrote

Hi, I like your design and the simplicity. For the comparison of how many people earn more or less you linked to Arbeitsagentur, but I couldn't find the statistik you took your data from. My feeling is that you took the average income. But what is actually a lot more representative is the median, because of some peaks from high income CEOs that distort the whole data.


Ill-Construction-209 t1_j0j011x wrote

Why are there options for half children? I have a couple children. One of them seems like he's half here sometimes.


Full_Story t1_j0kwxkh wrote

Looks great but the two different greens are sometimes hard to distinguish. Especially on the switch like buttons.


onkelkalle t1_j0m1v6z wrote

Good job, I really like the different comparisons!

Would be interesting to see the implemention. Although I'm a native app guy it's always nice to broad my horizon :)


tsigalko11 t1_j0mu0b1 wrote

Really good, I like it, great work. One thing I would like to see is how tax changed through the years. Like you 3k gross, now it is 2200 net, but in 2019 it was 2150 net. Something like that.

Otherwise really good, I will share it around.


tsigalko11 t1_j0mvq5u wrote

Not sure tbh. Maybe not adjusting ,but put inflation rate over it.

Also, pie chart has 3 layers. I think that's a bit too much for an average Joe. I would go for a classic pie chart.


RatherBeMe t1_j0vkxak wrote

The salary comparisson does not work correctly. I tried several incomes and it didn't change


RUng1234 OP t1_j0vlizr wrote

Hi. Thank you for the feedback. The salary comparison works between 1000 and €6600. Above €6600 there are no data. Around 11% of the full time emoloyees earns more than 6600€/month. So it looks like you belong to the top 11% ;)

Howering over the (i) icon will show further information.