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sejigan t1_j0uadco wrote

Looks like it went a bit better than last year, given that you had to apply to fewer places and received more offers. Congrats 😊


alc4pwned t1_j0udb6i wrote

Getting that first internship really helps you get others. And the internships should make finding a real job much easier too.


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0uju8z wrote

It really does yeah. I thought it'd be harder because of the current state of the economy, but I guess that factor is far outweighed by having a past internship.


ar243 t1_j0v7i9k wrote

Internships are a one way ticket into the industry


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0v1ku5 wrote

Thanks! Yeah, last year the process often felt quite demoralizing, but it's been much better this year.


sejigan t1_j0vki9v wrote

Glad it’s working out for you 😊

I hope I get my first co-op this summer πŸ˜…


ArkGuardian t1_j0xtovz wrote

No one wants to take a chance on a freshman. Tbh I wouldn't either if I ran a company. They're too much of an unknown


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0u8ncx wrote

I tracked data for my 2021 and 2022 job searches using Notion databases. I love Notion :) Diagrams were built in Sankeymatic, and arranged together in Affinity Designer.


Paranoias t1_j0uh8zq wrote

Congrats on getting the internship. If you don't mind me asking, what's your education and age?


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0uiu7c wrote

2nd year computer science major


AzorAhaiIsJonSnow t1_j0uroo3 wrote

Wow, extremely impressive to get this many offers as a 2nd year. Maybe it’s different but in Engineering most people can’t get a single offer until their 3rd at minimum and often 4th because no company wants to invest in someone w/ that many years to go.


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0v1sis wrote

I know a few ppl in 2nd year working at Tesla & Apple for mechanical/electrical engineering jobs. Crazy! But yeah generally it seems to be considerably more difficult for non-software engineering.


AzorAhaiIsJonSnow t1_j0v4fvz wrote

Damn! That’s incredibly impressive as well. I’m in structural/civil engineering and 2nd year internships are for the exceptional candidates w/ connections only pretty much. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of a civil engineering internship for a 1st year.

The company I work for doesn’t even consider candidates below senior and that’s somewhat standard I think.


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0v5smq wrote

Ah yeah that would explain it. Civil's tough β€” it has one of the lowest rates of ppl successfully getting internships, compared to 13 other engineering programs at my university


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j0wm05v wrote

It took me three years after graduating to get my job... And that required me to take a shitty warehouse job first and nag my manager for like four months to promote me into IT.


[deleted] t1_j0vg2ec wrote



The_Happiest_Man t1_j0x1bs5 wrote

I agree, I struggled greatly through my computer science degree (QLD - Aus) and graduated completely lost with no clue if I was even capable of working in IT or what path to start on.

My wife is a radiographer and had mandatory hospital work throughout her entire degree, I think something similar would’ve done wonders for my confidence.

Ended up securing a graduate position in government and the whole ordeal was much easier than my brain told me it would’ve been.


c00lme1 t1_j0wl4oo wrote

did you have a F100 company under your belt in 2021? I only got one F100 offer this yr and like two interviews despite having a previous internship at a startup


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0wnkao wrote

no, I didn't


c00lme1 t1_j0wo07p wrote

what kind


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0woooa wrote

Not sure I understand what you mean. Before 2021, I interned at a messy pre-seed startup that never really got far. The 2021 job search led to me interning at a startup with 100+ employees and around $100M in funding raised.


c00lme1 t1_j0ws577 wrote

oh I see, I guess it was just a skill issue with my resume then


c00lme1 t1_j0ws9sl wrote

>2021, I interned at a messy pre-seed startup that never really got far. The 2021 job search led to me interning

wait so you straight up had an internship in 12th grade of HS?


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0wt4kt wrote

Yeah but it was so unorganized and I barely did anything except a bit of work making a few React components, so I would barely consider it one.


wildtyping t1_j0vsfeo wrote

Can people please stop posting their personal data 😭


54580 t1_j0w2yih wrote

or at least do it in another format


RVP97 t1_j0uwalf wrote

What software are you using for these visualizations?


ConfidentProfit4236B t1_j0w5h3g wrote

What do you mean by negotiations? How does an intern negotiate?


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0wkwi7 wrote

If they mention I'm currently a top candidate during the interview, I ask them about product/team placement, salary expectations, and benefits. They are usually flexible on the first two. This is when I mention I'm interviewing at XX other places offering $YY/hr so I try to push them 20-40% upwards in terms of pay depending on what they've already offered. It's not really any different from full-time offer negotiations.


Vivid-Razzmatazz2619 t1_j0y3ftr wrote

Does this show people becoming more desperate and therefore less strict