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GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0u8ncx wrote

I tracked data for my 2021 and 2022 job searches using Notion databases. I love Notion :) Diagrams were built in Sankeymatic, and arranged together in Affinity Designer.


sejigan t1_j0uadco wrote

Looks like it went a bit better than last year, given that you had to apply to fewer places and received more offers. Congrats 😊


Paranoias t1_j0uh8zq wrote

Congrats on getting the internship. If you don't mind me asking, what's your education and age?


AzorAhaiIsJonSnow t1_j0uroo3 wrote

Wow, extremely impressive to get this many offers as a 2nd year. Maybe it’s different but in Engineering most people can’t get a single offer until their 3rd at minimum and often 4th because no company wants to invest in someone w/ that many years to go.


RVP97 t1_j0uwalf wrote

What software are you using for these visualizations?


AzorAhaiIsJonSnow t1_j0v4fvz wrote

Damn! That’s incredibly impressive as well. I’m in structural/civil engineering and 2nd year internships are for the exceptional candidates w/ connections only pretty much. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of a civil engineering internship for a 1st year.

The company I work for doesn’t even consider candidates below senior and that’s somewhat standard I think.


wildtyping t1_j0vsfeo wrote

Can people please stop posting their personal data 😭


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0wkwi7 wrote

If they mention I'm currently a top candidate during the interview, I ask them about product/team placement, salary expectations, and benefits. They are usually flexible on the first two. This is when I mention I'm interviewing at XX other places offering $YY/hr so I try to push them 20-40% upwards in terms of pay depending on what they've already offered. It's not really any different from full-time offer negotiations.


c00lme1 t1_j0wl4oo wrote

did you have a F100 company under your belt in 2021? I only got one F100 offer this yr and like two interviews despite having a previous internship at a startup


GeorgeDaGreat123 OP t1_j0woooa wrote

Not sure I understand what you mean. Before 2021, I interned at a messy pre-seed startup that never really got far. The 2021 job search led to me interning at a startup with 100+ employees and around $100M in funding raised.


c00lme1 t1_j0ws9sl wrote

>2021, I interned at a messy pre-seed startup that never really got far. The 2021 job search led to me interning

wait so you straight up had an internship in 12th grade of HS?


The_Happiest_Man t1_j0x1bs5 wrote

I agree, I struggled greatly through my computer science degree (QLD - Aus) and graduated completely lost with no clue if I was even capable of working in IT or what path to start on.

My wife is a radiographer and had mandatory hospital work throughout her entire degree, I think something similar would’ve done wonders for my confidence.

Ended up securing a graduate position in government and the whole ordeal was much easier than my brain told me it would’ve been.


apexmachina t1_j0xdgxc wrote

What data visualization software you use for these plots?


Vivid-Razzmatazz2619 t1_j0y3ftr wrote

Does this show people becoming more desperate and therefore less strict