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Realistic_Turn2374 t1_j163otw wrote

Some of these are used in Spanish, but are definitely not of Spanish origin, like "chocolate" or "potato", which come from languages spoken in the Americas before the Spanish arrived, but I guess English took them from Spanish after Spanish took them from the native languages.


fogindex t1_j167cjo wrote

True origins for those interested:

canoe, potato, savannah, tobacco, hurricane = Arawakan (Hayti/Haiti)
cocoa, chocolate = Nahuatl (Aztecan)
adobe, crimson = Arabic
jade, crusade, tornado, plaza = Vulgar Latin

"platinum" is Latin, not Spanish (known as "platino") lol
"canyon" is only used in formerly-Mexican-held parts of USA (i.e., not in Spain, Mexico, Latin America or elsewhere)


johnnymetoo t1_j177v11 wrote

Also barbecue: "The English word barbecue and its cognates in other languages come from the Indigenous Taino word barbacoa. Etymologists believe this to be derived from barabicu found in the language of the Arawak people of the Caribbean and the Timucua people of Florida"


carlitospig t1_j18icfp wrote

Thank you, I’ve actually been curious of it’s origin too (love language history!), and for some reason assumed it was French/Latin.


chak100 t1_j16j7yt wrote

Canyon is cañón


Firstearth t1_j18q1sr wrote

But that’s the same word though right? I mean the word is said the same in both languages it’s just the spelling that changes. Contrast that for example with chocolate which is spelt the same but has a considerable difference in pronunciation.


U5urPator t1_j18pozb wrote

Which also derives from the latin "canno".


whats_a_cormac t1_j1726eu wrote

Now where the hell did the word "mushroom" come from? That's what I wanna know.


utterly_baffledly t1_j1as9ew wrote

As with so many words it has its roots in Latin and entered middle English from old French.


Zoloch t1_j18l3js wrote

By your standards no word is of any origin. There is always a prior language from where a words comes. So by this, English doesn’t have words of French origin, because most of them come from Latin (some from Germanic , or Gaulish) which come from Italic, which come from Ítalo-Celtic, which come from Indo-European which come from whatever prior language etc. the same for Arabic words, or any other language’s words, which come from previous or adjacent languages from where they took them. So, “beauty”, according to your reasoning, is not a word of French origin (beauté) but of pre-pre-pre Indo European origin, isn’t it? And French didn’t have anything to do with it.

Those words come from Spanish as it is the language that took them and transformed them and made them evolve with its own idiosyncrasy, its own sounds and its own ways, and from which English took them. As examples of the words in the post, Potato comes from Spanish “patata” (a mixture of two words, one from Quechua “papa” and other from Taino “batata”), Adobe is from Arab Al-tub which come from Egyptian “dbt”. And this from where? Chocolate from Nahuatl “Xocoalt”. Similar, but not the same, and if English had taken them directly from those languages they would be very different as they are now in English. And at the same time, those words undoubtedly come from other languages prior to them or in contact with them. And so on.

So, the words in the post come from Spanish, that’s how it works in philological terms.

And by the way: Platinum comes directly from Spanish “Platino”, not the other way around. Romans didn’t know the metal as it was identified and described in 1735, and given the name for its similarity to Silver…”plata” in Spanish (Latin: “argentum”). Platinum is a latinization of Platino, not the opposite

And Canyon is veeeeery used in Spain. Its geography is full of “cañones” (“cañón” is phonetically pronounced “canyon”). Not as big as the Grand Canyon, that’s why the Spaniard that saw it for the first time as a European called it Gran Cañón, as he had seen many (smaller) in his homeland


Firstearth t1_j18pqiv wrote

It was pretty clear by the “um” suffix that platinum was Latin.


rettaelin t1_j18sroy wrote

Thought platinum didn't sound Spanish. But I failed Spanish class. No habar Espanol.


Southern_Cut_4636 t1_j165d5g wrote

This actually appears to be at least half of the words listed. And some, like crimson, come from Arabic as well.


shewel_item t1_j166c3v wrote

but, still, flotilla has more mentions than potato


vertigostereo t1_j167yvb wrote

Words like guerilla, flotilla, and plaza come from all romance languages.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j164b3w wrote

Yes. This is true. Some words originated in another language, were then incorporated into Spanish, and then incorporated into English from Spanish.


Mick_86 t1_j16mfby wrote

Then they are not of Spanish origin.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j177wav wrote

Some people think eggs come from chickens. Others buy then from a grocery store.


RoastedRhino t1_j17rffd wrote

I doubt that the English language took platinum from Spanish, when it’s extremely common to take element names from Latin.


U5urPator t1_j18qhtn wrote

In this case it actually derives from Spanish. The Spanish first found the metal and called it "platina" in the 18th century. In the early 19th century they gave the metal its now latin sounding name.

You could also go back further in history and say that platina is a deriviation of the french word "plate".


rodriguezalone t1_j167yzn wrote

I love how you say “cocoa” and we say “cacao”


ebdbbb t1_j169sss wrote

This is because, for some reason that is probably explainable but I don't know, the seed of the cacao tree is the cocoa bean.


cannondave t1_j182ayd wrote

Interesting. It seems to indicate that in ages past, someone fucked up.


utterly_baffledly t1_j1asj63 wrote

Yep the etymology of cocoa is a spelling error that produced a word that was easier to say. No more or less.


cannondave t1_j182833 wrote

In mainland Spain they say caca /s


jral1987 t1_j188bx4 wrote

Next time I am in Spain I'm going to make sure I ask where I can find some good caca.


cannondave t1_j197m5u wrote

Yes, the brown thing which is sticky on your hands so you prefer to mix it in a shaker and drink it


Yuri909 t1_j17tdzl wrote

Sorry, OP, but a lot of this is just plain etymologically wrong.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j19myiu wrote

There is some difference in the interpretation of the word "origin." The posts gives the most recent origin rather than the complete known history of the word. I don't think recognition of indigenous languages should be neglected. At the same time, claiming that the terms were not introduced by way of Spanish speakers is like claiming "컴퓨터" is of Latin origin and not English. The term "컴퓨터" translates to "computer," and an audio recording can be found here:


Yuri909 t1_j1aesqz wrote

Spanish is the vessel that may have brought them to the other side, somewhat bastardized, but they're not Spanish words. They never were. They're indigenous proper nouns.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j1an2qy wrote

I'm don't following the part about proper nouns, but words are just the sounds that come out of your mouth. Hence the reason "computer" is a Korean word, or "bus stop" is a Hindi term, or "coffee" is an Icelandic word.


Yuri909 t1_j1aqknk wrote

It is hilarious that you keep tripping over my point and yet thinking that it's not the point. You are factually wrong. Those words are not spanish. You are also wrong about the words computer and coffee, neither of those have the origins you have ascribed them. You really need to just Google the word etymology with words you think you know where they came from. You clearly are pulling all of this out of your ass.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j1b1sin wrote

Do you have an idea in your head of how to define what a word is? How do you determine what is and what is not a word in a given language?

For the record, I am not claiming that computer and coffee originated in those languages, only that they are words within those languages.


Yuri909 t1_j1b70a3 wrote

You absolutely have tried to argue origin. You have zero idea what you're talking about and are asserting opinions about words that are not in alignment with centuries of documentary evidence. Evidence I personally studied as an undergrad archaeology and anthropology major with a focus on Mesoamerica. Your title is bad, and so are your arguments.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j1bm604 wrote

I think any argument would necessitate that we have a common understanding of the term "origin." I don't think that we do.

>You have zero idea what you're talking about and are asserting opinions about words ...

It sounds like your saying that if someone is speaking in Korean and they use "컴퓨터" (pronounced like "computer") in a sentence, then the sounds coming out of their mouth aren't Korean words. Am I following that right?

>Your title is bad

So are you saying that I should have used a different title?


Citricioni t1_j182zv5 wrote

Proof it


Yuri909 t1_j186u4j wrote

Prove? Anyway, a lot of those words come from Nahuatl which is an indigenous language from the Uto-Aztec family. How do I know? The part where I was an undergrad archaeologist who went to Mexico for research a couple times. You can also just look it up pretty easily. Someone linked to it in this post even.


SprucedUpSpices t1_j18n58d wrote

But then wouldn't like 90% of English just come from Proto-Indo-European? Since that's where most of French, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Germanic, Celtic... comes from?


Keiztrat t1_j18iv2h wrote

Sure thing, water proof or fire proof?


SociologySaves t1_j16jaet wrote

Cocoa, chocolate, canoe, tobacco, and potato, at least, maybe others, are of indigenous origin. Native to the americas. The Spanish colonized them and changed their pronunciation and spelling to match their dialect.


TurChunkin t1_j179ci0 wrote

Hurricane, like many others on this list, are of indigenous not Spanish origin.


vt2022cam t1_j17c613 wrote

While these words entered English from Spanish, they aren’t of Spanish origin. Hurricane is Taino in origin and many of these words have native origins.


FearlessPicture2477 t1_j1hx0fb wrote

sure and some other have latin origin and some other arab origin and some others germanic.. guess spanish language doesnt exit


vt2022cam t1_j1ipwxh wrote

These words aren’t of Spanish origin, it’s factually wrong. Many languages borrow from other languages, including a majority of English words, but you would say that the words have an origin in English.

You being threatened by acknowledging those words are actually of native origin is racially/culturally insensitive. You’re being defensive about word origins having native roots and not acknowledging it when you’re trying to promote those words being used in a third language.


artaig t1_j166x40 wrote

I was expecting "armada".

And "guerrilla" is a weird one. It came for a Germanic term, and then it was given back to them.


g_spaitz t1_j1822ue wrote

Like guerra (and guerriglia) in Italian, from the Germanic warra.


TheIAP88 t1_j1756u6 wrote

Crimson is of Spanish origin? What word does it come from?

It translates to “carmesí” from Spanish, but it seems like a leap.


MarianSony t1_j1814t8 wrote

Yes it is old carmesi but its origin is even older from arabic kirmiz so I would not say it is of spanish origin


iantsai1974 t1_j17q6jc wrote

Maybe the English words came from the roman/latin languages of ancient Iberian people should be treated as 'of Spanish Origin'.

The words like tobacco, chocolate, tomato were actually originated from the native American languages, and introduced to English via the Spainish. They should be words of American origin.

===source: wikipedia===

cocoa: The word cocoa comes from the Spanish word cacao, which is derived from the Nahuatl word cacahuatl. The Nahuatl word, in turn, ultimately derives from the reconstructed Proto-Mixe–Zoquean word kakawa.

chocolate: According to the authority on the Spanish language, the Royal Spanish Academy, the Spanish word "chocolate" is derived from the Nahuatl word "xocolatl" (pronounced Nahuatl pronunciation: [ ʃoˈkolaːtɬ]), which is made up from the words "xococ" meaning sour or bitter, and "atl" meaning water or drink. However, as William Bright noted the word "chocolatl" doesn't occur in early central Mexican colonial sources, making this an unlikely derivation. Early sources have cacaua atl meaning "a drink made from cacao". The word xocolatl is not attested; there is a different word xocoatl referring to a drink made of maize. The proposed development x- to ch- is also unexplained. Santamaria gives a derivation from the Yucatec Maya word chokol meaning hot, and the Nahuatl atl meaning water. More recently Dakin and Wichman derive it from an original Eastern Nahuatl form chicolatl, which they relate to the term for a beater or frothing stick, chicoli, hence "beaten drink". Kaufman and Justeson disagree with this etymology (and all other suggestions), considering that the origin of the first element of the name remains unknown, but agree that the original form was likely chicolatl.

tobacco: The English word tobacco originates from the Spanish word "tabaco". The precise origin of this word is disputed, but it is generally thought to have derived, at least in part, from Taíno, the Arawakan language of the Caribbean. In Taíno, it was said to mean either a roll of tobacco leaves (according to Bartolomé de las Casas, 1552), or to tabago, a kind of L-shaped pipe used for sniffing tobacco smoke (according to Oviedo, with the leaves themselves being referred to as cohiba).However, perhaps coincidentally, similar words in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian were used from 1410 for certain medicinal herbs. These probably derived from the Arabic طُبّاق ṭubbāq (also طُباق ṭubāq), a word reportedly dating to the ninth century, referring to various herbs.

tomato: The word tomato comes from the Spanish tomate, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl word tomatl [ˈtomat͡ɬ] pronunciation (help·info), meaning 'swelling fruit'; also 'fat water' or 'fat thing'. The native Mexican tomatillo is tomate. When Aztecs started to cultivate the fruit to be larger, sweeter and red, they called the new variety xitomatl (or jitomates) (pronounced [ʃiːˈtomatɬ]), ('plump with navel' or 'fat water with navel'). The specific name lycopersicum (from the 1753 book Species Plantarum) is of Greek origin (λύκοπερσικων; lykopersikon), meaning 'wolf peach'.


wandtpag t1_j17rtoa wrote

What a misleading diagram... at least half of the words aren't of spanish origin...


CurlSagan t1_j166a7x wrote

Out of all these words, the one I like saying the most is "potato." It rolls of the tongue.


t1tanium t1_j175a3c wrote

Besides what everyone else said, I don't think adobe is even used in the same context as Spanish. Most mentions are probably referring to the company or products of Adobe in some way, shape, or form.


CMulgrove t1_j17bi3v wrote

Oh no. Now I want to pronounce flotilla as flotiya.


carlitospig t1_j18i63j wrote

Is it Spanish? Or is it Latin?


Firstearth t1_j18r9c1 wrote

You know what’s most fascinating is the word crocodile

From Greek kroke + drilos To Latin crocodilus And then english went crocodile But Spanish went cocodrilo


angel_ns t1_j17ghyb wrote

I think coyote is another one (probably of náhuatl origin).


LucienSatanClaus t1_j17i26f wrote

Now do one for words originating from Indian languages


souji5okita t1_j17qfgt wrote

Any typhoon is Japanese. Is there an English origin word for hurricane/typhoon? Tropical storm?


iantsai1974 t1_j17rei3 wrote

The word 'typhoon' in Japanese came from Chinese.

But even Chinese may be not the origin of this word.

Chinese scholars found the origin of this word blurry, maybe related to Arabian or Hindustani, first used by the Arabian or Indian merchants who travelled from south and south-western Asia crossing the violent South China Sea.


Jabba_Yaga t1_j181ekr wrote

Typhoon was an originally greek word from what i remember


iantsai1974 t1_j1b9bbi wrote

Since there is no typhoon in the Mediterranean and aegean sea, I think this word would not have a greek origin.

This may also be a proof that this word is originated from south or southwest Asia, where there had frequent trades and communications with greece for milleniums.


EstebanOD21 t1_j17vhte wrote

> Word Count in Thousands

So 60.9k x 1000 = 6 million times ?

Or did you make a mistake ?


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j1ai2r2 wrote

The number is 60,900.


EstebanOD21 t1_j1aikgl wrote

Oh okay, then if you put "Word Count in Thousands" don't add the k after the number, it's one or the other. The redundancy here makes the reader believe the numbers are in thousands of thousands! :)


boetzie t1_j17xayk wrote

I'm learning Spanish in a snails pace. I just learned position es cargo.


ActivisionBlizzard t1_j1810ek wrote

Hurricane is actually a survivor from the natives of Haiti, the Taino. It’s the only survivor of their culture and language as far as I know.


Abiduck t1_j181d4p wrote

Platinum is a Latin word. How is Spanish involved?


carlos_6m t1_j184vhk wrote

Mustang comes from Spanish??


slap-jazz-filth t1_j18e1fq wrote

I'd like to see one of these for English words with Hindi origins.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j19nhit wrote

I had actually been considering this. These kinds of posts seem to stir up controversy though.


ratonbox t1_j18fr8d wrote

Alligator should be on that list.


DeanV255 t1_j18gugs wrote

Cargo Space? No, cargo ground.


taleofbenji t1_j18mrhi wrote

There's more flotillas than potatoes?

Weird metric, then.


Medcait t1_j191omx wrote

Isn’t chocolate indigenous in origin?


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j1ems8i wrote

I obtained much of the data from Wikipedia's List of English words of Spanish origin. I think the answer here may depend, at least in part, on how the term "origin" is interpreted. Unfortunately, my usage of this term seems to have resulted in a lot of misunderstanding.


towcar t1_j1768nv wrote

None of these surprise me except for canoe. What did the native Americans call their boats? Can't remember.


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j163136 wrote

The plot shows English words of Spanish origin and the number of times each appears in English Wikipedia.


Spanish-origin English words were obtained from Wikipedia's List of English words of Spanish origin

Number of mentions was derived from an analysis of English Wikipedia's database dump

Tools: Python, Matplotlib


derphurr t1_j167206 wrote

No it doesn't..

>And the Spanish acquired it from the word "kana:wa", used by the Arawakan indians of the Caribbean islands to describe their boats

Yes, there is a Spanish word and French word that ended up in English, but canoe isn't Spanish.

Same with potato. Taíno is an extinct Arawakan language that was spoken by the Taíno people of the Caribbean.

You are using stolen words from colonial Spain, and pretending they are Spanish that ended up in American English, but they were words for stuff they found in the Americas and their native words.


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j16rrcb wrote

There are spanish words of arabic, germanic and romance origin... and some of amerindian origin

And that hapens to english french and most modern languages

so is it wrong to say that english language loaned a spanish word which is the version of a word loaned by the spanish from latin, amerindian or german that also those amerindians or germans latins or arabs may had made it theirs being loaned from who knows all the way to ancient languages?


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j16bc4m wrote

I am sorry that any of this is displeasing. I would fully agrees with anyone who claims that many, if not the majority, of the listed words were not invented by people who identify as Spanish speakers. Regarding the chart though, the word "origin" is not intended to mean the inventor of a particular word. The intention is to refer to the most direct source or the source of the most direct parent word. Also, the term "Spanish" is intended to refer to the Spanish Language and not Spain.


zuencho t1_j17t5iq wrote

It’s only displeasing because it’s just incorrect


meepers12 t1_j16i3wr wrote

Even then, a few of these words came more directly from different romance languages, like the French "croisade." This is moreso a list of English words whose presence in the English language was influenced by Spanish at some point.


derphurr t1_j16c85m wrote

But in both of my examples it wasn't any Spanish speaking country, but Spain that took a native word like for potato.

And if you are doing word origin, yes most Spanish words came from Spain.

But this is silly because almost all these same words were adopted by French before becoming English words.

So why the fuck are you arbitrarily stopping in the chain English French Spanish (some Caribbean language)


OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j16ebqn wrote

In this context, origin is not the same thing as originator. I looked up every one of these words, and, in every instance, the references cited usage in the Spanish Language. It could be that the French Language acquired many of them at about the same time and from the same or from another source.


derphurr t1_j16jjn1 wrote

Adobe 1739, American English, from Spanish adobe "unburnt brick dried in the sun," which is said by 19c. Dutch Arabist Reinhart Dozy to be from oral form of Arabic al-tob "the brick," from Coptic tube "brick," a word found in hieroglyphics.

Other sources point to a Spanish adobar "daub, plaster," from the source of English daub (v.) late 14c., dauben, "to smear with soft, adhesive matter, to plaster or whitewash a wall"

canoe (n.) "light boat propelled by hand-held paddle or paddles," 1550s, originally in a West Indian context, from Spanish canoa, a word used by Columbus, from Arawakan (Haiti) canaoua.

French, from New Latin canoa, from Spanish, from Arawakan, of Cariban origin; akin to Carib kana:wa canoe. First Known Use: 1555. The Spanish spelling finally settled down on canoa about 1600.

Definitely none are Spanish origin. Potato, etc