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OfficialWireGrind OP t1_j16ebqn wrote

In this context, origin is not the same thing as originator. I looked up every one of these words, and, in every instance, the references cited usage in the Spanish Language. It could be that the French Language acquired many of them at about the same time and from the same or from another source.


derphurr t1_j16jjn1 wrote

Adobe 1739, American English, from Spanish adobe "unburnt brick dried in the sun," which is said by 19c. Dutch Arabist Reinhart Dozy to be from oral form of Arabic al-tob "the brick," from Coptic tube "brick," a word found in hieroglyphics.

Other sources point to a Spanish adobar "daub, plaster," from the source of English daub (v.) late 14c., dauben, "to smear with soft, adhesive matter, to plaster or whitewash a wall"

canoe (n.) "light boat propelled by hand-held paddle or paddles," 1550s, originally in a West Indian context, from Spanish canoa, a word used by Columbus, from Arawakan (Haiti) canaoua.

French, from New Latin canoa, from Spanish, from Arawakan, of Cariban origin; akin to Carib kana:wa canoe. First Known Use: 1555. The Spanish spelling finally settled down on canoa about 1600.

Definitely none are Spanish origin. Potato, etc