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Interesting-Month-56 t1_j1b9dj8 wrote

Why is Oregon so fucking expensive???

And paying that much for an education in Florida is an affront to education.


hootenanny03 t1_j1biogh wrote

Interestingly Florida has the lowest in state tuition for public institutions of all 50 states. So there must be some pricey private schools that skew the average


a2_d2 t1_j1bws5s wrote

It’s not. These numbers are not the average cost that Oregon students pay. The two largest schools by students, by far, are UofO and OSU which cost ~13-14k for yearly in state tuition.

The only way it could be this high is if it’s something like the average of all Oregon school rack rates, which is def not the same thing.


Drakonx1 t1_j1c1hjb wrote

It's including room and board for each state too.


a2_d2 t1_j1c25h2 wrote

Saw that but it’s Still not enough. Room and board is roughy similar to in state tuition at those two schools which would put the ave at ~28k.

Thousands of students commute to PSU, also, and pay zero room and board.


Roadkill_Bingo t1_j1bnyf1 wrote

Yeah OR being so much more then WA for instance seems weird. Are there just a couple schools jacking up the average?


throw_somewhere t1_j1e7kw0 wrote

University of Florida is currently a Top 5 public university.


Interesting-Month-56 t1_j1enomt wrote

Actually I think they made it up to #3 or #2 public university. Which is weird, because when I went there it was #1 on the list of playboy party schools. It certainly wasn't great regards education.