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daedalus_was_right t1_j1p4h6l wrote

I don't need a painting to live. I don't need stocks to survive.

I need a home as a basic necessity for survival.

Honest question; do you prefer a full leather upper, or something synthetic, when you do your bootlicking?


beerbaconblowjob t1_j1p8oi9 wrote

Well you need food to live, clothes to live, medicine to live, electricity and gas to live. How many things is the government supposed to provide?

Housing gets a bad wrap, but the truth is every industry I mentioned would stop functioning if it weren’t for investors.


YangYin-li t1_j1pq9lg wrote

I like the idea of “everything required to survive”


beerbaconblowjob t1_j1qskop wrote

Ok, just keep in mind that the government will make a much worse fashion designer, a much worse cook, and there will be a two year wait for a crappy roach invested place to live.


YangYin-li t1_j1qtvh4 wrote

That’s a lot of assumptions about how it would work (I 100% get where you’re coming from/saying tho)


beerbaconblowjob t1_j1qxnho wrote

I’d call it a presumption, here’s a government that told us N95 masks weren’t effective at preventing infection, so they could save them from the healthcare workers. A huge lie.

This government that sent out two measly covid tests 3 months after the first Omicron surge. They had an entire year and scientists to tell them to ramp up production because the virus would mutate.

Literally everything they’ve done has been pathetic, so yeah I’m not optimistic about them controlling every aspect of the economy.

Almost everyone wants the poor to be better off, but communism has never worked, and when you point that out to people their response is, yeah but it’d work in utopia.

Sure, but in the real word that much power leads to tyranny, and no organization (government) can do everything right. Corporations need to stay in their area of expertise.

Not sure why people want a massive bureaucracy in the middle of every aspect of their lives.


YangYin-li t1_j1r2iq8 wrote

I just want free food housing healthcare for everyone, and I know we have the means to do it


godspareme t1_j1qvtea wrote

Or, hear me out. Give everyone $1000 (which should scale with inflation & COL) and say "this should cover part of your rent, food, clothes, etc."

No one is asking the government to start their own free clothing production company.

As for a waiting list, not really. There are other countries where housing units are required to be non-profit and rented at cost. They also have a ~30% market share of private housing units that are for-profit. The non-profit drives the cost of for-profit housing units to be competitive and barely above cost. There are little to no waiting lists. And no the places aren't shitty.

That last argument is just fear.


OrderOfMagnitude t1_j1rojxc wrote

Scalping houses is only an investment in the sense that you spend now and profit later. It's not actually doing anything productive.

Investing in businesses, although riskier, has the benefit of growing the economy and helping everyone.

In Japan, where quantitative easing was invented, there were strict investment rules to make sure that investors were investing in real investments and not just the real estate speculation that fucked up their economy. Such rules haven't existed here which is why most free covid money got "invested" in houses, causing rampant speculation.

"I'm just investing" haha go invest in a real business or call yourself what you are: a scalper and a parasite.