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kaizerdouken t1_j1t9qxm wrote

Okay. Maybe I don’t understand what you’re saying. Excuse my ignorance. Let’s say I buy a multi family building. I raise its value and intend to sell it after 2 years. Are you saying this property should not raise its price? Rendering me a loss or no gain by the time I want to sell and make a good gain on it?


tails99 t1_j1tce1n wrote

I'm not sure how your comment is relevant. In your example, there has been no creation of any more units of housing. I'm referring to it being ILLEGAL to build MORE housing that is DENSE.


"I raise its value" :: How do you raise its value?


kaizerdouken t1_j1te873 wrote

You’re the one with the degree in economics. I can’t answer for you.


tails99 t1_j1xoqr4 wrote

I can't answer your question because it doesn't make any sense. It has nothing to do with me. LOL.