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insultant_ t1_j1rf3es wrote


finix240 t1_j1rg2qu wrote

Idk it’s just one of the weird quirks of baseball. The infields are exactly the same dimensions, but the outfields are unique to the park


fakeaccount572 t1_j1ujzrz wrote

Doesn't that change what a home run is then?


finix240 t1_j1vedvm wrote

Kinda. A home run still scores the same but some parks are tougher to hit home runs in than others. Some park favor left handed hitters or pull hitters. Some parks like Fenway have taller walls in the outfield too which affects how the offenses score. All just part of the game


0x4A5753 t1_j1rnyg2 wrote

I'm not sure if you follow soccer, but if you do, have you heard the meme "but can they do it on a cold rainy night at Stoke City?"

take that, but make it not a meme. Make it a serious question - can they do it in some irregular unhelpful field