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vtTownie t1_j1sh3hi wrote

Damn that having no rent looks so nice


No_Procedure_4232 t1_j1v5zp5 wrote

No rent and effectively no gas or food costs either. Must live at home and that is ok too. We encouraged our kids to move back home after school to save some cash before moving out. It cost us almost nothing and it really made a difference when they did move out. I used to say, “It’s fine with us as long as you capitalize on the opportunity to save some $$. And if we do this right you won’t want to stay, and I won’t have to ask you to leave.” 😉


justlikeofficespace OP t1_j1vuome wrote

> I used to say, “It’s fine with us as long as you capitalize on the opportunity to save some $$.

^This! I feel like American culture shames people from moving back home. But it’s totally okay and even encouraged in others.


Ambitious-Ad6900 t1_j24sgav wrote

I have my children at home while they go to uni and I am encouraging them to not leave until they have a stable income and have saved for their down payment to ensure housing. I really see no need to send them out to the world to struggle when they have a house and we can suppor them as much as we can. We don't ask them to contribute to the house, our priority is that they save as much as possible while they can. The day they decide to leave, hopefully they will do it with resources to provide for themselves. Though it is a cultural thing in large part, in my culture children are not expected to leave the parents house a certain age, so for us is absolutely normal having our children home and hopefully for them the benefits of staying home outweight the social pressure to leave when they are not ready yet.


[deleted] t1_j1zb4zb wrote

It's OK to move back in when you're 22, but if you're 35 you should be caring for your own kids, not leeching off your parents.


justlikeofficespace OP t1_j1siuno wrote

Don't worry, we all eventually pay our dues. Mine will be in the form of a 30 year mortgage :/


njc121 t1_j1w6vnj wrote

If you're not sure why this is disliked, it's because putting a down payment on a house is an unattainable goal for many because they can't save up enough due to high rent.


somefunmaths t1_j1wjsxc wrote

Yup, some people aspire just to toss down a down payment some day!