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VinylPuppies t1_j1stif9 wrote

That's the way to do it. Before I got married, I used to have tuna/hamburger helper quite often to stretch the grocery dollar as far as I could. Let's just say that marriage changed that a bit (for the better).

FWIW, we budget $500 on groceries for the two of us. Eating out is a bit more variable, but we consider that a bit on the entertainment side. We recently moved into our first house a few months back, and if you can nail down a cheap garage fridge/freezer, the extra space goes a long way towards freezing meat that you can buy when it's on sale.

Keep up the great work and good luck on the future housing hunt!


[deleted] t1_j1z25yx wrote

Fuck that. Eating nothing but rice, spinach and eggs isn't enjoyable, nor is it a very balanced diet. I don't know why people on Reddit get off bragging about how Spartan their diets are. Sure, saving money is great, but eating the most bland foods around just to save a few bucks is hardly an ideal solution.